Sunday, August 11, 2013


Hello People !!   Vinco here !!!

Today we address Part 2 of my current series about this Communist Chinese "Trade"(Ha-Ha !!)  Centre.

We will examine the potential for a massive Communist Chinese Immigration Scam (facilitated - of course -  by our 'Elected Representatives'),  and the massive Profits which this would deliver to "SELECT" Australian "IMMIGRATION AGENTS"  -   who, (Just 'Co-incidentally') will most likely be faithful high-level Members of the 'Mainstream' Political Parties.    Should it transpire that "The System" is seriously SICK,  it will take, figuratively speaking,  more than the lancing of a huge boyle to fix it.

The mysterious behaviour of politicians "connected" in some way to this CTC,  already more than suggests the TINKLING OF "30 PIECES OF SILVER"  -   many times over.


Local Media and others have suggested that the Chinese require to bring up to about 4,000 Chinese FAMILIES to operate this ALLEGED "TRADE CENTRE",  and we KNOW that the Chinese want to buy the huge tract of largely vacant land DIRECTLY OPPOSITE the proposed site for the CTC,   on which they intend building accommodation for all of these "Families".

These "Families" could comprise 3, 5 or more people each.   A "Family" might be a group of Adult relatives or a group of un-related Adults.   It might also be a genuine family with 2 or more children - the "One Child" Policy did allow a lot of exceptions.    We are expected to believe that this CTC requires at least 4,000 people to operate it, and that's ridiculous.

Working with the figure of 4,000,  one assumes that the plan is to construct 4,000 "homes"   -   probably high-rise Apartments.    All being built on the one large block of land,  this effectively creates an "ENCLAVE"  -   or should that be a "GHETTO" ??

Now,  remembering that this entire project is one of the NSW State Government's,  and that our illustrious Premier O'Farrell is such an ardent believer in racial integration,  Multiculturism,  and  Political-Correctness following his Election to Government when he stated that "Mono-culturism is NOT ON",  one wonders whether he'll coin another term for this ENCLAVE so that it "appears" not to contradict his SUCK-UP  definition of "INTEGRATED" MULTI-CULT-ISM.  (It must be hard, Barry,  in your state of delusional 'superiority',  having to come up with trendy camouflage for matters like this.   But of course the ESTABLISHED "Rule" is that "ANYtHING COMMUNIST CHINA WANTS,   COMMUNIST CHINA GETS   -  RIGHT ?!).


Also,  getting in excess of 4,000 "workers" across the road to the CTC every morning,  and back again in the afternoon,  is likely to considerably delay local traffic.   That number approaches 2 Battalions of Infantry !!!!  Could they IN FACT be Communist Chinese Military Personnel ???   We've not been told ANYTHING about them.

Federal Member McCormack obviously KNOWS  EVERYTHING about this CTC,  since,  at earlier times,  HE ASSURED THE PUBLIC that the CTC was "gonna be a wunnerful thing for Wagga !!".    Yet he's gone VERY QUIET on the subject, like his Liberal friends Maguire, Kendall, McLaren and O'Farrell,  and still none of them have answered the 75-Plus Questions raised about the CTC.

In fact, Mr McCormack has scarcely appeared on the Federal Election Campaign Trail,  clearly in fear of being confronted with "Unwelcome" questions.   Yes,  he did appear twice recently (with, NATURALLY, his Personal "OPPORTUNITY" Photographer !!),  clinging to the coat-tails of Canberra "heavy-weight" Warren Truss.

One seriously wonders why folk would vote for such a CAMPAIGN COWARD who maintains steadfast secrecy on a PUBLIC INTEREST matter which, long ago,  should have been openly explained to the Public our "LIBERAL DEMOCRACY (?)".    But,  we trust that he is enjoying his relevantly opulent life-style at Taxpayer Expense whilst simultaneously deceiving the TAX-PAYING Public via his silence,  and whilst thus continuing to contemptuously treat the Public  as his personal Toilet Paper  -  as do his Political 'Mainstream' friends.


The expected reasons offerred  will be 'nearness to work-place',  'Medical, Schooling and other Community "Facilities" will be provided within the Enclave',  etc, etc.

Not forgetting that a CTC work-force in excess of 4,000 is laughable,  the Communist Chinese DO WANT THAT LARGE TRACT OF LAND,  and if in fact they intend building accommodation for around 4,000 "Families",   then WHY ???

Our ever-co-operative Federal Government (tweedle-dum or tweedle-dee) obviously mean to provide the necessary 'Visa's' to make it possible for all these 1,000's of Chinese to travel and stay here.

Whilst a relatively small number of these Communist Chinese MAY be genuine CTC workers,  what about the rest ???     What will they be here for ????

We can expect our Politicians to "insist" that all persons to be domiciled in this Enclave,  will be there to serve or operate the CTC.   But we are familiar with the Deceptions and Lies from our Politician,  and that still  leaves the un-answered question,  "what will most of these people REALLY be here for ??".

We say that the following is the most likely scenario:-

1).  The VAST MAJORITY OF THESE PEOPLE Will be here for a variety of different reasons,  none of which have to do with the day-to-day operations of the CTC.

2).  Many of these 1,000's of people will "drift elsewhere  into" the wider Australian community PERMANENTLY !!
As they do so,  they will quietly be "replaced" at the Enclave by others from Communist China -  "Keeping up appearances !!!".     This will continue interminably.

3).  These "Non CTC Workers" will include many of the un-wanted Social trouble-makers, criminals,  diseased persons and other undesirables which Communist China does not want.  (Other 3rd-world countries have been doing this to the West for many years.)

4).  Other of these "Non CTC Workers" who "dissappear" into the wider Australian community,  will be Business people and various Expert 'Specialists' here to surreptitiously expand Communist China's "Empire".

5).  Most or all of these people,  including the CONTINUOUS "REPLACEMENTS",  will craftily "Benefit" from the State Welfare System etc which is sustained by the Aussie Taxpayer,  and will wind up paying little or NO TAXES in Australia.


This endless flow of many 1,000's of people, will bring a Bonanza to "Select" Australian Immigration Agents who  could be collectively  reaping (very quietly) in excess of $BILLIONS in very few years.

At this rate, together with the "Mainstreamers" increasing immigration intake,  it won't be long before an Aussie can't step out the door without finding himself among swarms of Chinese from Communist China, swarms of militant Muslims, and swarms of many other Foreigners.

But,  never fear !!!

Our JUDAS Politicians wear a smug and contented smile every time they hear the jingle of 30 PIECES OF SILVER In their pockets !!!

Those of you who continue to 'Elect' the Lib-Nats or Lab-greens (or their 'Satellite' Parties - Katter, Palmer etc),  despite our warnings,  guarantee the continuing destruction of Australia,  and you drag the rest of us along with you.   And when it's far too late,  you'll attempt to COLLABORATE with the new COLONIAL OVER-LORDS and ALL the over-whelming foreign hordes -  just to save your own miserable skin.    We hope you will continue to enjoy Good Health at that time.

Next time,  friends,  we have an interesting SHORT History Lesson which reveals just how much our illustrious "leaders" actually cared about our people across about 600 years.   And it's ALL SUBSTANTIATED.

Until then,  much kindness to all.

Vinco Stelmonovic


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