Wednesday, January 20, 2010

WE CRITICISE OUR CRITICS: Refugee Advocates Are Wrong

Our critics say that we are not telling the truth about refugee privilege in Wagga Wagga.

Erwin Richter, a so-called resettlement "volunteer", claims that refugees do not get any more assistance than-let's say, homeless Australians.

Obviously the "Asylum Seekers Assistance Scheme" administered by the Red Cross, under contract to the Department, slipped his mind. The scheme assisted 1867 "clients" at a cost of $4.79 million dollars to the Australian taxpayer, in the period between 2007-08.

We can't forget-of course-the Settlement Grants Program; nor should we forget the 1.2 billion dollar asylum seeker Australian Goverment budget blowout which has contributed to maintaining them until they get here.

There is also a myriad of multiculti resourse centres, such as Bridge For Asylum Seekers Foundation, providing "living" assistance for individuals and families to survive.

Then, there is the Australian Refugee Association ( ARA ), which is one of a number of agencies that receive money to help support people financially. They help pay utility bills ( refugees are also eligiable to receive utility vouchers from other welfare agencies such as St Vincent De Paul and Salvation Army which are donated by the power companies and the community.

There are too many of these agencies to list. These multiculti centres exist in regional locations and suburbs across Australia.

Refugees are an exclusive group. In 2007-8, refugees from Africa received $113 million from the Foreign Aid budget, applied to them locally-here. That explains part of the "refugee wealth" which has been commented on by many disadvantaged Australians.

Refugees are immediately entitled to welfare services, although the general community is not entitled to access refugee-exclusive services and benefits. Refugees also receive benefits to access services for "trauma". Hard call, but we doubt many will ever recover from "trauma" and many will take out their rages upon each other and the general community.

We do not post this with vexation. We merely ask that when the likes of Richter, Wagga Greens Councillor Goodlass and all the rest of them, start grandstanding publicly and pretend to take moral high-ground by screaming RACIST about other Australians, they would show a bit of honesty regarding these facts.

How about a little concern for Australians living on the streets, those who do not have access to this level of support. What of our Aborigines? Aborigines topped a United Nations list of some 90 countries for the worst life expectancy. Once upon a time, the very same people (yes, the very same people! )who now go on about refugees, used to make public claims about Aboriginal social problems. It is one of the greatest curiosities how and why they now forget them. Is it a type of peculiar racism? African refugees culture-bust our European-Australian communities, a multiculti process of special importance to the multicultural industry- whereas Aboriginies are part of the Australian reality which Europeans must address.

Let's get things in perspective. Yelling "racist right wing fanatic" gets us nowhere.

Councillor Goodlass says that Australia First ignores "certain community members whose needs and concerns are not considered valuable! "Such hypocrisy! He ignores our own people.

Lastly, readers should note that Messrs. Richter and Goodlass have the same concern for the exploited contract labourers as they do homeless Australians-none. They will allow contract labour to exist because to oppose it means that they might appear as "racists".

These folks are not serving the Australian people. They serve their own delusions. Nothing will come out of African refugee settlement program other than social disaster for Australia. And still the program runs on.


  1. Kudos To You For This Article!
    It Has to be said well Written and no masking the truth.
    Unfortunatly It will not get the same response from others within our Great land.
    You may be asked to show yourself stop hiding behind a screen ..But those that are doing the asking are fence sitting Distorters of the truth and Do not realise that some times one has to be very careful as it is so easy for one's self or Familly to be beaten up for speaking out especially the truth...
    I was always lead to believe that the Truth never hurts..So It can only be assumed that you are hitting some nerves and now we have to be fed the lies as they quickly rush to try and cover their tracks or Cover their Butt's.
    Keep up the Good works.

  2. This is a great blog and truly shows that the AF folks are willing to say what many others are thinking. Stand firm my friend we are all behind you and will stand with you proudly.

    As the above comment has already pointed out, you always get the most flak when you are over the target.


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