Friday, June 18, 2010

Foreign Buyers Set To Swoop.

The Land ( 17.6.10 )

A rush in foreign investment interest in Australian farmland is stirring new concerns about just how much overseas ownership of local agricultural resources is too much. Unease about global food shortages in the next 20 years-and long-term agricultural market opportunities-have made Australia and areas of South America prized targets for foreign government-aided enterprises and private investor groups.

Africa has also been the focus of a significant land grab, particularly by overseas government-owned investment corporations from China and the Middle East. last week, the Foreign Investment Review Board told a Senate committee hearing in Canberra it was possible for whole rural districts to be gradually acquired by offshore owners without any Australian government scrutiny or approval.

The FIRB would only be notified of agricultural land sales if individual property land sales exceeded $231 million, or if land was being bought by a foreign government. Aquisitions by foreign entities on a farm by farm basis did not come onto the board's radar. The Australian rural property market is becoming increasingly busy with overseas clients such as the U.S, the U.K, China, India, the Middle East and others.

We might wake up at some point finding that if overseas investors wanted to they could exclude us from enjoying the value of our own land because, for sovereign reasons, their production is linked to another nation's food security.

We wonder how Australia could have ever found itself in this situation. As we are sure Ireland also believed it unimaginable, when during the potato famine the other crops they were farming on their land were exported while they starved to death, as the Irish had lost control over their land.

As nationalists we can clearly see what is going on here. Our traitorous government, along with the elite are prostituting what is left of our country to their globalist pimp master friends, for a fast buck. This is a wake up call to all Australians and the death knell to our sovereignty. We are hostages to this despicable agenda and while ever the status quo remains the ransom only gets higher.

This evil anti-Australian agenda is driven by greed and profit manifesting from an ideology of economics as if people mattered! We must resist.

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