Monday, June 14, 2010

Food Shortages.

Global Situation:

Governments are intentionally covering up the looming food shortages, if the public realised the true extent of the crisis economies could collapse, governments would fall and anarchy would ensue. So the truth up to date has been cleverly disguised, assisted by media and other groups who happily trot out the ongoing rhetoric and deceptions on behalf of their globalist pimp masters. Australia First Party intends to rip the rug of deception out from under these vile traitors and reveal the truth.

In 2008, 30 countries had "food riots", where food was so scarce, desperation and violence followed. It could happen here. With powerful factions jockeying for control of the food supply, who can say when the hammer will fall ? We hear stories of climate change, wars, disease, and so on threatening the survival of humans, clearly we are on a fast track to starvation well before any of these so-called predictions may or may not materialise. In fact many agriculture experts predict that we will soon be experiencing a worldwide food crisis of unprecidented magnitude. Some political experts predict the catalyst for food shortages will involve more sinister political agendas.

Consider Asian countries that are now consuming record amounts of food staples, protein etc. The biofuel industry placing increasing pressure on our food crops, such as corn, sugarcane, soyabeans, etc which are used to produce ethanol and requiring more and more agricultural land to grow crops for fuel production. Of course the population explosion will place enormous pressure on our food supply. Global markets will require 50% more food over the next 10 years. The ruthless multinationals are aware of these impending events and are buying up extensive farmland in developing countries and now have their sights set on Australian farmland, to secure control of the global food supply. As demand surpasses supply.

National Situation:

We are currently seeing individuals and groups of political convenience entering centre stage concerning agricultural matters in Australia. Farmers Associations and the like are not what they used to be, they also fail miserably to justify their own existence and happily tow the globalist line. Ken Henry recently refered to Australia as a "three-speed" economy, in which mining is in the top bracket and agriculture is at the bottom. This helps to explain the anti-Australian psuedo agriculture policies we see in Australia. Australian farmers making negligable returns or quietly losing money is the order of the day.

We observe mining companies buying up productive farm land all over the country. We hear the agendas of the deluded, such as Michael Roche, CEO of QLD Resources Council, who is all for the expansion of the coal gas seam industry onto the Darling Downs ( home to our most productive food producing soils ). Mr. Roche sees no problem in sacrificing our food production land, "as we can always import food from China or India".

Enter The Wentworth Group, this "advisory" group of so-called academics and scientists, have irrigators feeling extremely nervous about future water entitlement reductions, to be foisted upon their irrigation districts. In the Murrumbidgee region cuts of up to 65% are forecast, with the Murray Darling not fairing much better. These strategically introduced advisory groups are not ignorant to the fact water and food production are linked together, nor the reality that irrigation water is used for growing food.

With free-trade agreements, seeing the impending importation of beef from BSE affected countries and apples with fire blight and so on, native vegetation ( land rights ), water buy back, mining rights, forestry lock ups, government schemes paying farmers to leave the land, cheap and nasty imports, globalists buying up our farmland and so-on, one should not be considered paranoid to feel cynical about political agendas.

The Immigration and refugee explosion has put such pressure on our food and water supply and housing stock, to the point where we are seeing our Sydney food bowl disappear, replaced by housing development, to cater for the population explosion. As we know the higher the population, the greater the chance of starvation.

The NSW State budget delivered last week ignored the crisis of food security and farmers issues again and opted to butter up the big end of town, developers and the like, to ensure continued party faithful donations. Of course anywhere west of the Blue Mountains failed to register on the NSW Treasurer's radar as usual. This in itself is an alarming situation, where Mr. Roozendaal fails to prioritise the future food security of the people of NSW above the interests of an elite few.

As we lose the expertise of our farmers, we lose their knowledge and practical skills which will not be passed on to the next generation. This in turn adds to the problem that Australia is progressively reliant on food imports from overseas where we will have no control over production methods, quality or price.

Historical Situation:

When we analyse the politics around food security in Australia, we can draw some disturbing parallels between the globalist food supply agenda and the Irish Potato Famine, where in reality the shortage of food was a myth. Yes, the potato crop failed, but all other crops thrived. At the height of the "famine" around $30 million dollars of food produced in Ireland left Ireland for export, meanwhile millions of people starved to death. Landlords seeking a better market price as the Irish were to poor to buy food they were farming themselves. Normally it was usual to export food only after the countries own population was fed. Again money was more important than human lives-nothing has changed and we would do well to remember politics and greed were behind the potato famine and guard ourselves from despot governance. We must regain our independence and resist the globalists.

Food will soon be more valuable than gold!

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