Saturday, September 21, 2013

Trade Centre For the Chinese V's A Future For Our Youth

Australia First do not believe the proposed Chinese Trade Centre is "sunk" yet, we have concerns  ACA Capital Investments will become a token fall guy and "new" faces will front the project, this is likely to happen (coincidently) when the FTA with China is negotiated, in a deal where the Chinese seek a $1 billion dollar threshold of investment before the FIRB (Foreign Investment Review Board) comes in to play and various other delicious concessions are realised.
Some have questioned, what will we do with the land if we do not sell it to the Chinese State ?
Australia First would suggest this land that belongs to the people of Wagga be used for the benefit of the people of Wagga, rather than the elitist ideology of our illustrious leaders who are hell bent on using this land to benefit the Chinese State.
A donation towards this (yet undetermined) project should be forthcoming from those on Council who authorised the $50,000 of ratepayers money wasted drawing up land sale contracts for the trade centre on Copland St and this should come out of their own pockets.
Australia First would propose that the land on Copland St be used for a youth drug rehabilitation and education facility. This would bring benefit to the local economy and opportunity for Wagga's youth. Wagga does not currently have a youth drug rehabilitation facility and the need is there. Such a facility would create jobs for locals, professionals, local tradespeople and suppliers of goods and services. We would seek to link such a facility to local training, education and jobs, real opportunity for our local youth, who are after all the future of the Riverina, as opposed to chasing pipe dreams that serve to make foreigners rich, it's time we put our local people's needs and concerns before trade with China. What sort of society ignores its own people (particularly their children) in favour of benefitting big foreign money men ?
Others in the community may have other submissions for the use of the land to benefit the people of Wagga, perhaps the Council should put it to the people to decide ?
Australia First would like to hear from the local Aboriginal community, the elderly and others as to their thoughts on the use of the land, I'm sure most in Wagga would agree what better investment could we make than to ensure Wagga's future, our youth, have the best opportunity we can offer them ? Without them we have no future !
Lorraine Sharp
Australia First Party

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