Monday, February 25, 2013

The Charlatan !


In the 1980's, Wagga Wagga was the centre of a considerable resistance movement to the foreclosure of farms by the banks. A mighty movement against the banks and their "creation of credit at interest" power developed. Thousands were drawn in. This movement arose because the National Farmers Federation ( NFF ) worked hand in glove with Elders-IXL (John Elliot ) and Westpac bank to force farmers of their lands. No one was active at the "coal face" for the farmers. The Union of Farmers was a key patriotic movement that stood up for ordinary people. The Union of Farmers kept many small producers on their properties.

The National Party played at this time-a treacherous game. It did its best to shield the NFF/Elders-IXL connection from public exposure and often pretended that it would give a real voice for farmers in this age of declining prices and high bank interest. It often linked up with supposed "protest groups". It was all deception.

Today is no different. Despite their noises, the Nationals are so far involved in the politics of globalisation that it's a wonder anyone votes for, or supports, them at all. Why ? Because the Nationals are masters of deceit. They rely on patronage and social connections that maintain their networks.

It appears nothing has changed regarding the Nationals modus operandi, as we see in the press release below ( 14.11.12 ) by Riverina National Michael McCormack. Same old lies !

Mr McCormack admits he is in support of the proposed Chinese State owned Trade Centre in Wagga, the Northern Zone agenda, 457 visas remaining relaxed and corruptible, while Australians lose their jobs hand over fist ! Mr McCormack supports the destruction of Riverina farmland via CSG and other mining set for the Riverina and let's not forget the recent in principal, lack of principal theatre regarding the MDBP issue.

How is a young person supposed to have a go at farming in Australia without the certainty of water and if managed investment schemes, body corporates, banks and foreign investment groups ( many State owned ) keep buying up all the land ?

Shame on you Mr McCormack !

 Foreign takeover slammed by McCormack

Nov 14, 2012, Michael McCormack MP.
A proposal for a Chinese conglomerate to gain a 50-year lease on a north Australian irrigation area has incensed Nationals’ Member for Riverina Michael McCormack.
Shanghai Zhongfu has reportedly won the sole right to develop 15,200 hectares of prime agricultural land in Western Australia after more than half a billion dollars of taxpayer funds was spent building road, irrigation, port and local community infrastructure to support the deal.
Mr McCormack said the Federal Government had tipped in $195 million at a time when it was busily tearing apart purpose-built irrigation areas in the Riverina “paddy by paddy, channel by channel”.
“How dare an Australian Government allow such a sale to proceed so the Chinese can grow food and send it directly back to China at a time when Australian farmers are facing such uncertainty due to the Murray-Darling Basin Plan,” Mr McCormack said.
“This latest Chinese land grab is not in the national interest.”
The Australian newspaper reported today that a Chinese company has been handed all available land in the second stage expansion of the Ord irrigation scheme in Western Australia’s Kimberley region for a peppercorn rent, on the condition it is cleared, developed and farmed.
“Why is the Federal Government propping this up while at the same time the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area, which is this year celebrating its centenary of irrigation and of being a dependable, viable food-bowl, is facing such uncertainty?
“If the Government is serious about being a source of food and fibre to meet the demands of the so-called Asian Century, it ought to be doing whatever it can to preserve and protect Australian interests in already-established irrigation districts, not selling out like it is,” Mr McCormack said.
The latest takeover comes just days after Chinese interests bought land in Western Australia to grow wheat for direct export to Asia.
“A national interest test must be applied to any foreign acquisitions,” Mr McCormack said.
“Foreign investment is important but within reason. Australians could not go anywhere and buy up parcels of agricultural land in Asia, the United States of America or New Zealand yet it is open slather here at the moment.
“We’re just mugs for letting them do it and we will regret it in the long term.”
Mr McCormack said food and water security would be the greatest challenges of our time in the years ahead and Australia was best placed to feed a growing population – provided our farmers were given the opportunity to do so.

No wonder McCormacks latest ruse is grooming young first time
voters via social media, facebook and twitter in a  conceited attempt
to gain some sort of rock star type following amongst local youth.
A seedy plan to acquire votes based on celebrity, rather than any
policies on offer by the Nationals.

So this is what it has come to. The Nationals know they are hog tied
to all the international treaties they have signed up to along with
their Coalition partners and are effectively powerless to do what
needs to be done to save the Riverina, but the pantomime must go

Folk that have been around over the years aren't buying it anymore, they've heard all the lies
and false promises before, it's like a broken record, nothing changes.

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