Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Dose Of Reality!

Ray Goodlass's response ( Daily Advertiser 29.3.10 ), to the concerns raised by Rhonda Palmer ( Daily Advertiser 24.3.10 ) can only be described as extreme leftist cuckoo politics!

Firstly, Mr. Goodlass has continually encouraged the public to view the Green's website and policies; but it appears when people do just that and fail to agree with the stated policies, they are stridently attacked by Mr. Goodlass-and immediately labelled "right wing radicals" etc. So much for the new Greens` candidate Mr. Fletcher's assertion that the Labor Party are un-democratic in their views/policies!

Secondly, he failed to correlate the link between the Greens` approval of second trimester abortions ( murder ) and pro-euthanasia ( bumping off the infirm ) as a policy for social justice? Rather, it's a vaudiville attempt at playing God himself.

Thirdly, we note the dangers to public safety in the Greens` policy to do away with sniffer dogs, ( which provide an invaluable and necessary service regarding detecting explosives carried by would be terrorists and drugs set to poison our youth ). The sniffer dogs perform a cruical service at our ports and airports helping control the importation of drugs into the country and so on. Mr. Goodlass's concerns that the sniffer dogs are threatening when let loose in clubs and bars is absurd; next he will be asserting guide dogs are threatening when coming towards you in the street. What is of concern and threatening is if the Greens` policies were to be let loose to threaten Australia!

Fourthly, we wonder how Mr. Goodlass's recent allies on the open border for refugees policy ( Dr. Short, OAM Richter and others ) feel about the Greens` recent attempts to have prayer removed from Parliament and replaced with "reflection time" ? Who needs "right wing" media telling so-called untruths about the Greens to discredit them, when they are doing a sterling job of that themselves!?

Finally, in Mr. Goodlass's response we note a one line after thought to his epic response, as if it had almost slipped his mind that the Greens espouse humane treatment of animals. Well, don't we all.

We see nothing on environmental issues in Mr. Goodlass's statements, only a scathing attack on a concerned contributor, Ms. Palmer, who dared to view the Green's website and policies as encouraged by Mr. Goodlass himself!

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