Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Australia First Recommends "Vote One Craig Hesketh" For Riverina.

Australia First Party recommends to voters in the Federal seat of Riverina that they cast a vote for Mr. Craig Hesketh of the One Nation Party on August 21.

We understand that Mr. Hesketh upholds a pro Australia stand on economic globalisation ( which has seen foreign fruit imports brought into Australia ) and he has rightly spoken out against the refugee invasion of our country.

A National Second Preference ?

Mr. Hesketh has recommended a second preference for the National Party. He has said that he seeks disgruntled farmers and other National voters to cast a protest vote for him and allow their votes to "return" to the National Party. He has seen that as the most productive course for him and his party.

Australia First Party makes no recommendation on second preferences.

If Mr. Hesketh's strategy is permissible, it is only so farmers and other regional Australians are told in the clearest way that the National Party is no real friend of country folk. Quite the contrary. The National Party is the political vehicle of powerful elites which are opposed to the family farm, to small production and small business. Such things may only exist in the collective mind of these elites if they offer no challenge to corporate farming, pastoralism and the cult of the global market.

In the 1980's, Wagga Wagga was the centre of a considerable resistance movement to the foreclosure of farms by the banks. A mighty movement against the banks and their "creation of credit at interest" power developed. Thousands were drawn in. This movement arose because the National Farmers Federation ( NFF ) worked hand in glove with Elders-IXL (John Elliot ) and Westpac bank to force farmers of their lands. No one was active at the "coal face" for the farmers. The Union of Farmers was a key patriotic movement that stood up for ordinary people. The Union of Farmers kept many small producers on their properties.

The National Party played at this time-a treacherous game. It did its best to shield the NFF/Elders-IXL connection from public exposure and often pretended that it would give a real voice for farmers in this age of declining prices and high bank interest. It often linked up with supposed "protest groups". It was all deception.

Today is no different. Despite their noises, the Nationals are so far involved in the politics of globalisation that it's a wonder anyone votes for, or supports, them at all. Why ? Because the Nationals are masters of deceit. They rely on patronage and social connections that maintain their networks.

There will be no progress for any nationalist-minded party, be it One Nation or Australia First, if the Nationals are not challenged.

The people of Riverina at least have a choice this time. Let us hope Mr. Hesketh can make an impact now and for the future.

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