Monday, April 26, 2010

Getting It Right On The Islamic Migration Question: Don't Be Fooled!

Dr. Jim Saleam and Brendon Gidley.

The Australia First Party ( AFP ) has deep reservations about certain groups, some of which even parade as nationalist and patriotic organizations, when they move to the centre of their public outreach-the Islamic question.

It is hardly that there is no problem with Islamic immigration into Australia. There was and there is. If anything, consistent experience over the last 15 years has shown the utter incompatibility of Islamic "culture" ( let alone Islamist preaching ) with Australian culture and its legal and civil norms. From brutal rape, to asocial conduct, to criminal enterprise and to terrorism, the litany of abuse against the host society is obvious. We may also rightly deprecate the hidden, but practised, principles of Sharia Law on our soil. The multiculturalist industry and nice-guy Moslem spokesmen can say whatever they like, but the problem is there.

Of course it would be completely remiss of any Australian patriot not to point this out and to politically capitalize upon it. Indeed, given it shows the futility of the multicultural experiment, we have a powerful weapon to explain this case. Yet, serious questions for a party such as ours which seeks to re-Australianize Australia, remain-and must be addressed in order to provide strategy of tactics in the immigration struggle.

The questions for the nationalists are: is Islamic migration the main problem?; how can we politically advance with this issue?; might there not be other agendas operating with those who join in the chorus against Islamic migration?

Main Problem?

Definately, Islamic migration is not the main immigration danger facing Australia and the survival of the Australian People.

The figures belie any claim of Islamization of Australia. The pattern of Australian immigration sees the nations of Asia providing the main sources of migrants. The South Pacific and Africa are now new sources. Of course, Middle Easterners and other Moslems arrive here and they are a strong component in the refugee racket. However, they are minorities. The largest non European source is China and that will remain so.

Essentially, we can see Australia rendered polyglot. We can see Australia being generally Asianized. However, there is no real threat of Islamization.

So why do some wish to say that the opposite?

Is it because it is easy? People have heard about the problems with Islamic immigration and some groups opt for political traction? That is partly sensible, even if ( as we say )it is the line of least resistance.

The problem is, that the Australian state currently permits some criticism of Islam-because it remains engaged in false wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, because it endorses the "war on terror" which the American regime still fights and it requires some sort of public support for these stupid and politically criminal adventures that kill our soldiers. Cussing the Moslems can serve that point. Permitting people to blow off steam too at a public demon, is always a clever tactic in the state's ploy to maintain multiculturalism and mass immigration overall. It keeps people away from the main danger. Of course also, making noises about Islamism also brings one into contact with likeminded religious and other groups, so one has the delusion of participation in a broad movement against Islamization.

For Australia First Party, it is a line of approach that leads one into a sideline war, a blind alley. Since Australia is not being Islamized, can the people recruited to this fight, really generalise their awareness of one problem into criticism of another? We doubt it. Indeed, as we observe, some of the groups taking up the struggle against Islamic migration are not concerned with much else.

How Can This Issue Be Developed?

We do not wish our main blow to be directed at Islamic migration. Rather, we see the rise of Chinese imperialism over Asia and the Pacific Ocean states; we are more concerned at immigration that is in fact recolonization, that which enmeshes Australia in new imperial arrangements from which we cannot escape. Australia First Party appreciates the various patterns of contract labour recruitment and investment which ensure a generalized Asianization of Australia.

In building a resistance movement to these things, we call upon our history which was engaged with these types of issues from prior to Federation and well afterwards. For Australia First Party, the matter of Islamic migration is just another vindication of a general case.

Certainly, we will warn the Australian People of all aspects of this Islamic intrusion and how it highlights the failed doctrine of multiculturalism. Yet, we won't be fooled into going up this blind alley. We will keep it in perspective so we can expose those who are working con jobs on the Australian People.

The Dark Agendas Of Others.

In the period that followed John Howard's drift to war in 2001, anti Islamism was embraced publically by a number of groups. The Christian Democratic Party, the Australian Christian Nation Association, certain Christian-Zionist church groups and the "right wing" faction of the Liberal Party, all came out about it. They whipped up concerns at Islamic extremists being active in Australia and the need to follow the USA to war.

Most corruptly, these groups posited that Australia's true friends in the Middle East was Israel and that Australian Zionists (namely those Jews who put Israel first in their thinking ) were allie's in the inter - related struggles. In fact, Israel creates Moslem unrest and the Zionists would see our soldiers killed in their service.

The propaganda of these anti Islamic groups was very energetic.

Eventually, this propaganda penetrated into One Nation Party and it also spawned a Liberal Party connected pseudo nationalist group called the Protectionists. In the case of One Nation, a rabid anti Islamist recently aquired real power there-and he has also sung the praises of Tony Abbott for supposedly being tough on immigration; funny that, since this was Abbott who put Pauline Hanson in gaol! Of course, the One Nation boss sees the anti Islamic rhetoric of Abbott and the Liberal "stance" for social cohesion etc as hard political currency and not rhetorical rubbish cooked up for voters. He does not see the truth of what the Liberals represent-enmeshment with Asia, high immigration and refugees flowing in but in an "orderly" way. This boss also collaborates very closely with the high immigration Christian Democrats just like his friends in the so-called Protectionist group. They all unite on anti Islamism and their recruits fall prey to this con.

The new line of the anti Islamists advanced a civic patriotism in which loyalty to Australia was defined as language, flag and supporting certain political institutions. At no point did this ideology commit anyone to the European ethic basis of the Australian People, or to its survival. How could it be? This anti Islamism was one big fraud.

The bottom line of it was that it led groups into the orbit of the Liberal Party and it gave them a job that served that party. The Liberals under Howard were ( till the election of the KRudd government ) the highest immigration government in Australian history. Anti-Islam? So what?

Election Year Again.

In another election year, the Australia First Party wants the immigration and population questions to be placed squarely out there on the real political agenda. There's a lot of evidence that this is occurring naturally. Australians are talking and Australians are getting angry at the loss of identity and economic security that immigration implies. Our Party will play an electoral and a community role in making this awareness intensify. However, we will not allow the anti-Islamism to creep in as a diversion from the immigration question overall and from the matter of the real threats to Australia. It will be a hard struggle to resist the con merchants. It will be this struggle that will define the political savvy of Australia First.

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