Friday, January 3, 2014

Dangerous Ground

BY:   ERROL NO-NO,  3-1-2014 
Summing up,  the substance of Rev Armstrong’s statements  appears to be:- 
a)  That we should treat people humanely; 
b)  That he assists refugees from his personal funds; 
c)  That he is entitled to “have a say” in how HIS Tax Dollars are spent. 
d) That his position and representations in this matter, are his own and not necessarily those of the Anglican Church. 
Taking item “d” first.  Then who gave him permission to use Church property to display and promote HIS “PERSONAL” Political opinions ?? 
Then to item “c”.   Even the good Reverend is not naïve enough to believe that politicians will modify  their stances to suit his cries in the wilderness.        He well knows that the Federal Minister for Finance,  and the Federal Treasurer, are not going to isolate his annual personal taxes and direct them to a “More Humanity For Refugees” Fund.    Thus,  his efforts can be clearly seen to be nothing less than Attention-getting Posturing  -  for other reasons. 
Then to item “b”.   So he assists refugees from his personal funds !   My,  my !  What a hero !   A posturing,  prostrate, pawn prostituted to palatable propaganda of political-correctness.    Whilst he’s  busily pre-occupied with the sporting of his self-presented accolades of political- correctness,  perhaps he would generously deign to inform we humble folk,  of how he has already personally solved the vast humanitarian disaster among  our own Australian people.   Like our Governments,  he has NOT !!    Now,  most assuredly,  as a good and faithful Christian,  he would be aware of the New Testament text in “I Timothy,  5 :  8”,  which reads,  “But if any provide not for his own,  and specially for his own house,  he hath denied the Faith,  and is worse than an infidel.”   So,  dear  Reverend, we respectfully  ask you,  “Have you denied the Faith ??    Are  you an infidel ??     Why are you so enthusiastically  and PROUDLY  providing for others  when you have neglected so many millions of your ‘own house’  in Australia,  who  endure  ever increasing pain and hardship ??      Where,  Sir,  is YOUR  ‘HUMANITY’ ?? ” 
Now to item “a”.   “Good Reverend,  Sir.   You have  unwisely set foot in the ‘Political Arena’,  with PRIDE-AFORETHOUGHT,  seeking  PERSONAL public stature and profile as a ‘Community Leader’ who is ‘as one’ with  the biased, dis-informational propaganda that “Humane-ness” to the ALLEGED refugees is exclusive of all other considerations.   Unhappily, Sir,  like so many other un- informed,  political dolts,  you have fallen for the crocodile-tears performance of that renowned ANTI-Christian,  Sarah Hanson-Young.   If, Sir,  you are simply politically stupid,  that is sad enough.   But if you, as a Christian Minister,  walk comfortably with such purveyors of Darkness,  then indeed,  you have very serious problems.   You could of course resort to the One Source of Christian Guidance,  for a start:- 
II Cor.  6 : 14.  “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers  :  for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness ?   and what  communion hath light with darkness ?” 
Rom.  I :  22.  “Professing themselves to be wise they became fools.” 
Prov.  14 :  8.   “ ……………………………… the folly of fools is deceit.” 
Prov.  14 :  3.   “In the mouth of the foolish is a rod of pride.”
 Ob.   3.    (Although addressed to Esau,  it has relevance to all.)  “The pride of thine heart has deceived thee …………………………………….”  
“Good Reverend,  Sir.   In the field of politics,  you have no idea of the sleazy machinations which it is, and you do not have the time to study it in depth.   The superficial issue which you sought to defend, is more complex and misleading than your un-informed mind can grasp.   Do not  further demean the Church by yet more silly political adventures of which we and others will make much ‘sport’.  Our ‘sport’ will be your pain.    Better that you stick to your vocation,  learn vastly more about the Biblically-recommended ‘Humility’,  learn the deeper Truths of the Bible,  live by and for Scripture, and by those means set worthy AND ‘HUMBLE’ examples to all others  -  in The Name of our Lord !! Amen.

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