Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Palerang Shire By Election Campaign

Australia First Party has entered Mr. John McGrath in the Palerang Shire Council by-election to be held on May 14. Palerang is centered on the New South Wales rural towns of Bungendore and Braidwood.

Mr. McGrath has been a Palerang resident for four decades and has mainly been involved in farming. He has also been a committed nationalist activist with a long history in various organisations. He has been a member of Australia First Party since it was re-established as a new corporate entity in September 2007.

The campaign in Palerang Shire has moved well with firm local contacts being made by the party. Articles mentioning the party have appeared in local newspapers and other publications. John McGrath, has been scheduled to speak at community meetings with other candidates, in Bungendore, Braidwood and Wamboin.

This election is the first time that anyone has raised the Murray Darling water conspiracy as an electoral matter. It is John's intention to assist in deepening the community resistance to the schemes of the Murray Darling Basin Authority which will surely destroy Australian agriculture-in favour of foreign and local mining magnates who have mining claims all over the Riverina and other affected areas. Nothing very 'green' there ! Rather, environmental concerns with water usage and being used as a smoke screen by the multinationals and other exploiters.

We publish the Palerang Australia First programme as it appears on John's recently printed how-to-vote card.

(i) For Citizens` initiated referendum at council level; I want to see people be able to propose Council policy and by-laws directly so as to maintain democratic control over their representatives.

(ii) Against the NSW Department of Planning scheme to expand the population of Palerang by 69% by 2036. I am sure this will be immigration -driven. Immigration is no friend to the lifestyle, the environment or our heritage and surely a policy whose time has passed.

(iii) Against the water takeover plans of the Murray Darling Basin Authority. The water plans threaten to destroy Australian farming and regional communities. The UN Treaty RAMSAR upon which this is based is acceded to by the major parties, Greens and others. I stand opposed and will work with all to win against the government.

(iv) To make Palerang more friendly towards road transport. I note that farmers depend on the trucking industry and while I believe in the extention of rail wherever possible, Council must try to protect this vital industry.

(v) For greater autonomy for local Councils over the NSW Department of Planning. I want to see domestic planning decisions made for the benefit of people.

( Electoral comment responsibility: J. Saleam 725 Princes Highway, Tempe 2044 )

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