Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Great Water Heist...While Australians Slept !

The great water debate continues to rear its head after years of dormancy, complacency, government mismanagement, and of late, proposals by the Murray Darling Catchment Authority.

The problem is not a new one, it emanates from the dismantling of strategic government policies concerning water management, the introduction of water trading, and the granting of exessive water extraction licences along our inland waterways.

Droughts and floods are nature, and we have absolutely no control over the provision of the valued resource ( water ), but we do have control over the way it is managed and harvested.

Many years ago, our forebears had the foresight and will to build one of our natural wonders, Burrinjuck Dam, along with associated irrigation areas and districts. The dam was well-planned and has provided a continued flow in the Murrumbidgee for towns and irrigators since 1912.The engineers of the day forecast the requirements to satisfy the need of irrigators in the Murrumbidgee valley and that of the growing urban population in various towns.

Burrinjuck Dam has been 'dry' several times, but a check of the records will reveal that there were very few times when credentialled irrigators did not receive entitlements to finish off growing crops. I use the word credentialled, because the dam was built for the express purpose of those irrigators farming within the duly constituted irrigation areas, not for the explosion of riverside irrigators that we have seen in the past couple of decades, nor for the benefit of those who would indulge in water trading as a commodity or share market.

So where has the system fallen off the rails ? Bureaucracy ?

Typical of this was the dismantling of provisions of the Crown Lands Act and the severing of water rights attached to land. The recent animated objections to the suggested MDB plan in the MIA are evidence enough of a plan gone haywire. But where were all these objectors when the original changes were pushed through parliament ?

The healthy maintenance of our rivers is paramount, and rightly so, but that should not be at the expense of ongoing infrastructure programs to sustain the irrigation possibilities of inland Australia to feed a growing population. What would be wrong with prioritising water allocation to irrigators who are providing the nation with food ?

I live in hope that a politician, of any standing, will have the gumption to stand up and speak the mind of the people and not some party-line rhetoric that we've all had our fill of.

Mick Foxall
( Daily Advertiser 4.2.11 )
Edited for length.


On this vital and critical issue of water...the people of Australia need to collectively speak their own minds, as no current traitor-class politician ever will, they are guilty of prostituting all things Australian to to their pimp master friends the bankers/investors and globalists. These traitors embrace international treaties, such as the Ramsar Convention, which the Water Act 2007, and the MDBP are based on.

Let us remind ourselves the Water Act 2007, was created by Malcom Turnbull ( Minister in the Howard government and investment banker, Goldman Sachs executive etc ). I encourage people scrutinise Malcom's resume`.

Let us also consider Premier Carr's introduction of the Water Management Act 2000, cleverly crafted, before Mr. Carr took up position at Australia's largest investment bank, Macquarie bank. Interestingly farmers have already expressed concerns regarding Macquarie Agribusiness buying up water rights to secure water for its investments.

And on and on the well oiled propaganda machine goes... the hoodwinking and theft from the Australian people. The desecration of all things Australian. This agenda is much larger and not isolated to the issue of water, although without water we have nothing ! All Australians would do well to realise the seriousness of what is going on here.

Our "new" Captain of the MDBA Mr. Craig Knowles ( ex-Labor MP ) was already in the fray, as he "assisted" the Liberal party at the time of development of the Water Act 2007. Mr Knowles contributed his area of expertise, being international treaties.

On close inspection it is all rather a neat little package, a close knit 'circle of friends'. It matters not if it is the Labor/Greens, or the Lib/Nat's, the agenda is the same.

We must resist, stand up and be counted, or face the very real possibility of finding ourselves peons in a neo-colony....completley dispossessed...and to think we are allowing this to happen to ourselves !!

After all, it would be nothing for 100,000 people to turn up to a football match at the MCG, yet where are the crowds filling the streets because our water supply is under threat and our lives along with it ?

It would be foolhardy for people to think they will not be affected by the water situation, simply because they do not live in the area currently under threat.

As the world's underground aquifiers are drying up and will not replenish due to over pumping etc and other safe un-contaminated fresh water sources are diminishing, why would anyone sign away their water to international treaties and greedy bankers ?

Fellow Australians...we are at WAR...WATER WAR !!


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