Saturday, August 7, 2010

Housing Wait Longer, Poverty Line Stretched!

Herald Sun (7.8.10 )

Victoria's poverty line is growing and the public housing waiting list has hit an eight-year high.

There are more than 41,000 Victorian families on the state's housing list-one of the highest in the country. We note this number is trumped by NSW, with a staggering 50,000 on their list.

Almost a quarter of families on the waiting list are either homeless or at risk of losing their home, have a disability or special medical needs. Maybe these Australians should apply as refugees for immediate accomodation ?

Of course anyone that raises concern regarding the plight of these Australians, risks being labelled racist, hateful or a bigot. Incredulously the first to cast these aspertions are usually media and charity organisations.

No-one is suggesting for a minute the refugees are not without their own plight, which should be addressed at the point of origin, rather than transfering their need to a secondary location. Placing the refugees at the front of the queue, for scarce social resources we are creating further problems, not that that bothers the refugees or their advocates.

The elite have promulgated ( via globalist policies ) groups of Australians that have become refugees in their own country.

The church and charity groups pretend they are doing the work of God, but of course there are other incentives regarding the refugee industry at stake here. For example the millions of dollars in government funding for groups to provide refugee services.

What we now see is vested interest groups terrified of being exposed for what they really are. Of course it is in their interests for the Australian homeless and disenfranchised to remain silent and without advocate.

Anyone that dares to speak out on behalf of these forgotten Australians, or challenge the agenda at hand, could find themselves smeared all over the front page of The Sydney Morning Herald!

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