Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Our Position

We publish here the full version of a letter published recently in the Wagga Wagga Daily Advertiser. We felt that the full version should be read by our friends ( Ed. )

I am saddened that the materials published by Australia First do not come up to the high standards imposed by your correspondent, Mr. Fletcher ( DA Feb 17 ). Having read his paean of hate, I wonder why he should bother to criticise us ?

He happily reports that our websites are "blocked" by "service providers" ( read; certain libraries and public access internet ). So much for the former conduct of those he decried - in Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union etc. The multiculturalist advocates are obviously the ones in fear.

Indeed, we are in the stage of our party growth not a frameworked structure, but our cause springs from eternal Australian political traditions. Our economic and social policy is in the tradition of the former labour movement and the names of Jack Lang, Frank Anstey and Ben Chifley travel with us.

Mr. Fletcher said that the old One Nation was no victim of conspiracy, but of internal fundraising methods. Really ? Perhaps a Commission of Inquiry was needed to get to the shadowy world of "Australians For Honest Politics" which was behind the Hanson Trial and which the Opposition Leader is still very silent about. Yet, I can assure Mr. Fletcher, we are not One Nation, but a hardier beast.

I say that Mr. Fletcher's letter reveals much about a refugee advocate: attempts to confuse certain migrant arrivals with others, an assertion there are powerful groups we would not dare to antagonise and hence the claim we pick on the unfortunate; allusions to personal superiority and victimhood.

Mr Fletcher might remember the words of Arthur Calwell who said that people living under injustice should not consider migrating to Australia, but struggle to right the wrongs of their own lands. And since then, the "refugee" population has just exploded. I would say that to end poverty, injustice and war, it is right for some to take up the gun themselves.

Dr. Jim Saleam
Australia First party ( NSW branch )

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