On Thursday, the Brookings Institution published a report documenting the sharp growth of social inequality in major metropolitan areas throughout the United States.
The report’s findings are of vast significance in three respects. First, the report documents the immense scale of social inequality and the rapidity with which it is growing, even in cities that are supposedly economic success stories.
Secondly, it shows the crushing growth of poverty and economic distress in these cities.
Thirdly, it implies that these conditions are not the result of a passing economic slowdown, but are rather embedded in the economic system and have become permanent facts of life.
The study compared the incomes of households at the 95th percentile of income earners and at the 20th percentile. These correspond roughly to the wealthiest sections of the upper-middle class and those living in poverty, but not utter destitution. In the country as a whole, the privileged group had an average income nine times greater than the poor one. That ratio was much higher in major cities: 18.8 times greater in Atlanta, 16.6 times in San Francisco, 15.7 in Miami, 15.3 in Boston and 13.3 in Washington DC.
The report documents the massive decline in working class incomes that took place between 2007 and 2012. For example, in Indianapolis—hit by a wave of industrial plant closures—the income of a typical household in the 20th percentile fell by $5,800, or more than a quarter, to $16,883. In Jacksonville, Florida the income of a household in this bracket fell by $7,800, or 30 percent, to $17,411.
“A city where the rich are very rich, and the poor very poor, is likely to face many difficulties,” the report states. “It may struggle to maintain mixed-income school environments that produce better outcomes for low-income kids. It may have too narrow a tax base from which to sustainably raise the revenues necessary for essential city services. And it may fail to produce housing and neighborhoods accessible to middle-class workers and families…”
This describes the great majority of American cities and amounts to an admission that the present social order holds no prospect for decent housing, health care or education for the great majority of city dwellers.
The report shows that cities that had the highest rates of economic growth—including San Francisco, Boston, New York, Chicago and Los Angeles—also had the biggest increases in income inequality. This explodes the pro-corporate propaganda from the media and Democrats and Republicans alike that the answer to inequality and poverty is to stimulate economic growth by creating a more “business-friendly” economic and political environment.
“There’s something of a relationship between economic success and inequality,” Alan Berube, the study’s author, told the Associated Press.
San Francisco, which has had an influx of high-income earners as a result of the technology boom in the Bay Area, is a case in point. According to a separate survey by the Brookings Institution, San Francisco is one of the best-performing city economies in the US, having recently added more jobs and increased its economic output faster than the national average.
Yet in San Francisco, the income of a typical household in the 20th percentile fell by $4,309, or 17 percent, between 2007 and 2012, dropping to $21,313, while the income of a typical household in the 95th percentile increased by $27,815 to $353,576. These figures refute the official narrative, parroted by the entire political establishment, that inequality can be solved by expanding business activity through various incentives. “Job creation” has been the nominal purpose of massive tax breaks and handouts to corporations, which in many cases pay either no taxes or negative taxes.
In the name of “growth” and “job creation,” vast resources are being taken from social programs and services that benefit working and poor people as well as the wages and pensions of public workers to provide tax abatements and other windfalls for corporations. There is really no mystery as to why such economic “growth” goes hand in hand with increasing economic inequality.
In the state of New York, whose major metropolis is the sixth most unequal city in the country, Governor Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, is running a national advertising campaign offering tax-exempt status for ten years to any business that starts up in the state.
Increasingly, the enrichment of the ruling class takes the form of outright theft, as revealed by the Detroit Workers Inquiry, held February 15, which exposed the criminal conspiracy to drive Detroit into bankruptcy in order to gut workers’ pensions and seize the city’s assets, including the artwork at the Detroit Institute of Arts.
The Brookings Institution survey tells only part of the story, as its figures do not include the impact of the massive run-up on the stock market last year, during which the technology-heavy NASDAQ registered an increase of 38.3 percent. As a result of this stock boom, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook saw his net worth more than double, to $23 billion, while his fellow billionaire Larry Ellison, the CEO of Oracle, saw his wealth increase by $7 billion, to $43 billion. Last year, Ellison’s compensation totaled $78.4 million.
Both Zuckerberg and Ellison live in the San Francisco Bay area, less than an hour’s drive from Oakland, California, where a typical household in the 20th income percentile makes $17,646 per year. Some cities registered enormous levels of income inequality largely because their poor are so destitute. In Miami, for example, a typical member of the 20th income percentile earned only $10,438 per year, down from $12,278 in 2007.
These figures describe a society in which immense wealth is concentrated in the hands of a tiny elite, while poverty, deprivation and degradation are growing for the vast majority of the people, with no prospect of a change in course.
Every domestic policy undertaken by the Obama administration, from the bank bailout to the promotion of low wages in the 2009 auto restructuring, to tax cuts for American manufacturers and support for the bankruptcy of Detroit to destroy municipal workers’ pensions and health benefits, has been justified in the name of economic growth and creating jobs.
There is no constituency in the US political establishment for any redistribution of wealth from the top to the bottom; rather, both parties are committed to the further redistribution of wealth from the great majority of the population to the super-rich.
All talk of reforming this political and economic system is the product of either misinformed naiveté or deliberate deception. The fact is that capitalism is incompatible with the satisfaction of the most basic social needs of modern society.
Nothing can be done to address the staggering growth of poverty, inequality and social misery within the framework of the profit system. What is required is a mass movement of the working class armed with a program to reorganize society to meet social needs, not fuel corporate profits.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Drug War ?
PF Louis
Natural News
February 1, 2012
(NaturalNews) The hypocrisy of the war on drugs is outrageous when compared to the amount of drug trafficking that benefits the CIA and international banking system. The son of a convicted notorious mobster, John Gotti Jr, when asked in court if the family still dealt drugs cracked, “No, we can’t compete with the government.”
Today in Afghanistan, American troops have been seen guarding poppy fields used to make heroin. Those fields were all but wiped out by 2001 when the Taliban destroyed them and forbade that agricultural pursuit. Now they’re flourishing again after the American occupation.
This doesn’t make sense despite all the mainstream reports that American troops are protecting the poppy farmers from the bad guys. Internet sites such as Prison Planet, Info Wars, The Political Coffeehouse and others report otherwise. They connect the CIA and US military to restarting the poppy fields in Afghanistan in 2002, increasing poppy growth by over 650 percent. Who’s telling it like it is?
The CIA’s secret operations to influence journalism started in the 1950s by infiltrating the media and bribing journalists to be operatives and assets for the CIA. By 1976, then CIA director William Colby reportedly bragged that the CIA owned the press. Supposedly, this too secret to name operation was coined “Operation Mockingbird” by Deborah Davis in her book Katherine the Great.
Operation Mockingbird worked well against prize winning journalist Gary Webb when his newspaper, the San Jose Mercury News, ran his in depth series on CIA drug trafficking that flooded the USA to help finance the CIA backed Nicaraguan Contras during the 1980s.
Journalists all over the USA jumped on the series, claiming Webb’s journalism was shoddy. The newspaper had to recant and fire him, and Gary Webb was black listed from mainstream journalism completely.
Webb retaliated by having his book Dark Alliance published and making the NY Times best seller list, forcing some of his critics to privately eat crow after the fact.
Despite the CIA’s control of the press, a few Mexico and Central America cocaine busts of plane cargoes and discoveries of large cocaine stashes on crashed planes with CIA hired pilots flying them for front companies did hit the mainstream news, albeit briefly.
Remember the movie “Air America?” It was based on an actual CIA owned front company transporting tons of heroin from Southeast Asia’s “Golden Triangle” poppy fields during and after the Vietnam conflicts. Now Afghanistan and the “Golden Crescent” are the featured opium/heroin conduit sources.
When the U.S. government made deals with the Cosa Nostra mafia to help police ports and harbors during WW II, they breathed life into the heroin trade. Eventually, Marseilles, France was set up by the Corsican mafia to become the “French Connection” for heroin traffic.
But opium trade history goes back further, to colonial times and early America. That’s when American shipping magnates used their fast Clipper Ships to compete with England’s monarch sanctioned dope running East India Company for transporting opium to China.
A few key players created family fortunes from the China opium trade that exist today within some northeast America’s “old money” families.
Among the familiar family names, according to Wikipedia (source below) is Forbes. Another source mentions Astor, a prominently wealthy philanthropic family around New York today (Wiki source below). In those days, trafficking dope was a legitimate business endeavor, immoral but not illegal.
Now it is illegal as well. Ironically, this allows the biggest illicit drug providers to financially benefit the CIA and international banking.
Sources for this article include:
PF Louis
Natural News
February 1, 2012
(NaturalNews) The hypocrisy of the war on drugs is outrageous when compared to the amount of drug trafficking that benefits the CIA and international banking system. The son of a convicted notorious mobster, John Gotti Jr, when asked in court if the family still dealt drugs cracked, “No, we can’t compete with the government.”
Today in Afghanistan, American troops have been seen guarding poppy fields used to make heroin. Those fields were all but wiped out by 2001 when the Taliban destroyed them and forbade that agricultural pursuit. Now they’re flourishing again after the American occupation.
This doesn’t make sense despite all the mainstream reports that American troops are protecting the poppy farmers from the bad guys. Internet sites such as Prison Planet, Info Wars, The Political Coffeehouse and others report otherwise. They connect the CIA and US military to restarting the poppy fields in Afghanistan in 2002, increasing poppy growth by over 650 percent. Who’s telling it like it is?
One way the CIA keeps their drug trafficking hidden from public view
The CIA’s secret operations to influence journalism started in the 1950s by infiltrating the media and bribing journalists to be operatives and assets for the CIA. By 1976, then CIA director William Colby reportedly bragged that the CIA owned the press. Supposedly, this too secret to name operation was coined “Operation Mockingbird” by Deborah Davis in her book Katherine the Great.
Operation Mockingbird worked well against prize winning journalist Gary Webb when his newspaper, the San Jose Mercury News, ran his in depth series on CIA drug trafficking that flooded the USA to help finance the CIA backed Nicaraguan Contras during the 1980s.
Journalists all over the USA jumped on the series, claiming Webb’s journalism was shoddy. The newspaper had to recant and fire him, and Gary Webb was black listed from mainstream journalism completely.
Webb retaliated by having his book Dark Alliance published and making the NY Times best seller list, forcing some of his critics to privately eat crow after the fact.
Despite the CIA’s control of the press, a few Mexico and Central America cocaine busts of plane cargoes and discoveries of large cocaine stashes on crashed planes with CIA hired pilots flying them for front companies did hit the mainstream news, albeit briefly.
Remember the movie “Air America?” It was based on an actual CIA owned front company transporting tons of heroin from Southeast Asia’s “Golden Triangle” poppy fields during and after the Vietnam conflicts. Now Afghanistan and the “Golden Crescent” are the featured opium/heroin conduit sources.
Government and big business using drug traffic profits is nothing new
When the U.S. government made deals with the Cosa Nostra mafia to help police ports and harbors during WW II, they breathed life into the heroin trade. Eventually, Marseilles, France was set up by the Corsican mafia to become the “French Connection” for heroin traffic.
But opium trade history goes back further, to colonial times and early America. That’s when American shipping magnates used their fast Clipper Ships to compete with England’s monarch sanctioned dope running East India Company for transporting opium to China.
A few key players created family fortunes from the China opium trade that exist today within some northeast America’s “old money” families.
Among the familiar family names, according to Wikipedia (source below) is Forbes. Another source mentions Astor, a prominently wealthy philanthropic family around New York today (Wiki source below). In those days, trafficking dope was a legitimate business endeavor, immoral but not illegal.
Now it is illegal as well. Ironically, this allows the biggest illicit drug providers to financially benefit the CIA and international banking.
Sources for this article include:
Monday, February 17, 2014
Socialist's Promote Genocide
First, it's Communist China's EXECUTION VANS !!!
Now it's Belgim's EUTHANASIA VANS !!
Next, someone will come up with an ABORTION VAN.
Then it'll be a STERILIZATION & CASTRATION VAN. (In 1941, Kaufman wanted to do this to the entire German Nation.)
In USA Pressure groups are agitating for mothers to have the right to "TERMINATE" Un-wanted Children up to 3 years old !!! So they'll need an INFANT-MURDER VAN.
This is NOT the schemings of MERE "MORTALS". Not even INSANE "Mortals" !!!!
This is just the BEGINNING of the SICKEST EVIL ever visited upon Earth, and since our Western Politicians are enthusiastically behind EVERY MEASURE OF OUR DESTRUCTION, we might contemplate deeply on just WHO THEY REALLY ARE !!!
Now it's Belgim's EUTHANASIA VANS !!
Next, someone will come up with an ABORTION VAN.
Then it'll be a STERILIZATION & CASTRATION VAN. (In 1941, Kaufman wanted to do this to the entire German Nation.)
In USA Pressure groups are agitating for mothers to have the right to "TERMINATE" Un-wanted Children up to 3 years old !!! So they'll need an INFANT-MURDER VAN.
This is NOT the schemings of MERE "MORTALS". Not even INSANE "Mortals" !!!!
This is just the BEGINNING of the SICKEST EVIL ever visited upon Earth, and since our Western Politicians are enthusiastically behind EVERY MEASURE OF OUR DESTRUCTION, we might contemplate deeply on just WHO THEY REALLY ARE !!!
Democracy ?
In a courtroom crowded with supporters, Queensland woman Sally Kuether was released on bail late last month. Kuether, a librarian, had been arrested and held in custody for six days under the state’s notorious Vicious Lawless Association Disestablishment Act, or VLAD Act. Her alleged crime? Meeting her partner and a friend – two alleged members of the Life and Death motorcycle club – at the Dayboro hotel on December 19.
As Kuether prepares her case she will grapple with a wall of secrecy. Secret evidence, once unheard of, is now increasingly common in Australian courts. It is a fixture of the anti-bikie laws across the country.
In a string of cases, the High Court has upheld the use of secret evidence. Its decisions have revealed that the constitution does not provide Australians with a right to know the case against them.
Bleijie has said that the reasons for his decision to declare the 26 organisations may never be made public. Nor are these declarations subject to judicial review.
This kind of secrecy is the latest step in an evolution towards secret decisions and evidence in the states. A similar emphasis on secrecy is found in Queensland’s Criminal Organisation Act, which empowers the Supreme Court to declare organisations and make control orders in respect of their members. In both cases, “criminal intelligence” evidence may be withheld from a party and his or her representatives.
Almost identical provisions for secret criminal intelligence evidence may be found in organised crime control order legislation in South Australia, NSW, Western Australia and the Northern Territory, though the processes for declaring organisations and issuing control orders differ in each state.
Traditionally, a successful claim of secrecy results in information being excluded from court proceedings. The bikie laws enacted across much of Australia provide for information to be kept secret and used in court. Unsurprisingly, many of these laws have been subject to constitutional challenge.
A strong tradition of fair process exists in our courts and is protected by the constitution, albeit indirectly. The constitution enshrines a separation of judicial power, which means that legislation will be invalid if it offends the fundamental independence or impartiality of a court. Fair process is central to judicial independence and impartiality, so it receives protection through this principle.
The cases concerning secret evidence began in 2008 with Gypsy Jokers Motorcycle Club Inc v Commissioner of Police. The High Court accepted that fair process was challenged by provisions allowing the Police Commissioner to classify and rely on secret evidence. However, the court upheld the act on the basis that the Supreme Court of WA could review the secret classification and thus preserve its constitutionally protected independence.
This ruling was crucial to the later cases of South Australia v Totani, Wainohu v New South Wales and Assistant Commissioner Condon v Pompano Pty Ltd. These cases concerned declaration and control order schemes in South Australia, NSW and Queensland. Only the Queensland scheme survived constitutional challenge, and that paved the way for the expansion of Queensland’s bikie laws through the VLAD Act.
Together, the cases set up three necessary conditions for secret evidence to be acceptable in court proceedings. Secret evidence is permitted if the court: has the capacity to reassess the classification of the information; is not being forced to take particular steps with respect to the evidence; and retains sufficient discretion to potentially counteract any unfairness (for example, by attributing less weight to the evidence or ordering a stay of proceedings).
The High Court’s approach may preserve the judge’s decision-making independence; the government cannot force the judge’s hand. It fails, though, to address the clearest problems arising from secret evidence. These are fairness to the parties and damage to public confidence in the impartial administration of justice if significant parts of a government’s case may remain secret and untested.
Despite the numerous challenges to secret evidence provisions, the court has not once suggested that a fair hearing requires a minimum standard for disclosure. In short, the High Court has been prepared to say that fairness and judicial independence are maintained, even where openness is not.
It seems Kuether and others subject to secret evidence schemes around Australia cannot claim any constitutional entitlement to know the case against them. Responsibility for maintaining a fair court process rests entirely with the judge.
Arguably, however, judges considering untested police evidence in a system built on openness and adversarialism are performing their duties with one hand tied behind their backs. This is one of many reasons why some members of Queensland’s judiciary have shown resistance to the latest bikie laws.
These events highlight the lack of an explicit protection for fair process in the text of our constitution. Governments have a clear interest in being able to rely on undisclosed evidence.
The High Court has shown its capacity to protect fair trial rights through the lens of the separation of judicial power. It seems that the only way to check the increasing use of secret evidence in our courts may be the path of last resort. The time may have come for Australians to consider the option of constitutional change to strengthen fair process protections.
In a courtroom crowded with supporters, Queensland woman Sally Kuether was released on bail late last month. Kuether, a librarian, had been arrested and held in custody for six days under the state’s notorious Vicious Lawless Association Disestablishment Act, or VLAD Act. Her alleged crime? Meeting her partner and a friend – two alleged members of the Life and Death motorcycle club – at the Dayboro hotel on December 19.
As Kuether prepares her case she will grapple with a wall of secrecy. Secret evidence, once unheard of, is now increasingly common in Australian courts. It is a fixture of the anti-bikie laws across the country.
In a string of cases, the High Court has upheld the use of secret evidence. Its decisions have revealed that the constitution does not provide Australians with a right to know the case against them.
The spread of secrecy
Life and Death is one of 26 groups declared a criminal organisation by Queensland attorney-general Jarrod Bleijie. It is an offence attracting a mandatory minimum sentence of six months' imprisonment for members of such organisations to meet in public.Bleijie has said that the reasons for his decision to declare the 26 organisations may never be made public. Nor are these declarations subject to judicial review.
This kind of secrecy is the latest step in an evolution towards secret decisions and evidence in the states. A similar emphasis on secrecy is found in Queensland’s Criminal Organisation Act, which empowers the Supreme Court to declare organisations and make control orders in respect of their members. In both cases, “criminal intelligence” evidence may be withheld from a party and his or her representatives.
Almost identical provisions for secret criminal intelligence evidence may be found in organised crime control order legislation in South Australia, NSW, Western Australia and the Northern Territory, though the processes for declaring organisations and issuing control orders differ in each state.
Undermining fair process
Secrecy is vital to many policing and intelligence operations. However, once a matter reaches the courts the adversarial system of justice generally requires transparency. This includes the capacity for each party to know and test the case against them.Traditionally, a successful claim of secrecy results in information being excluded from court proceedings. The bikie laws enacted across much of Australia provide for information to be kept secret and used in court. Unsurprisingly, many of these laws have been subject to constitutional challenge.
A strong tradition of fair process exists in our courts and is protected by the constitution, albeit indirectly. The constitution enshrines a separation of judicial power, which means that legislation will be invalid if it offends the fundamental independence or impartiality of a court. Fair process is central to judicial independence and impartiality, so it receives protection through this principle.
The cases concerning secret evidence began in 2008 with Gypsy Jokers Motorcycle Club Inc v Commissioner of Police. The High Court accepted that fair process was challenged by provisions allowing the Police Commissioner to classify and rely on secret evidence. However, the court upheld the act on the basis that the Supreme Court of WA could review the secret classification and thus preserve its constitutionally protected independence.
This ruling was crucial to the later cases of South Australia v Totani, Wainohu v New South Wales and Assistant Commissioner Condon v Pompano Pty Ltd. These cases concerned declaration and control order schemes in South Australia, NSW and Queensland. Only the Queensland scheme survived constitutional challenge, and that paved the way for the expansion of Queensland’s bikie laws through the VLAD Act.
The conditions allowing secrecy
Despite the different outcomes, the High Court repeatedly affirmed that the secret evidence provisions of all three Acts were constitutionally valid.Together, the cases set up three necessary conditions for secret evidence to be acceptable in court proceedings. Secret evidence is permitted if the court: has the capacity to reassess the classification of the information; is not being forced to take particular steps with respect to the evidence; and retains sufficient discretion to potentially counteract any unfairness (for example, by attributing less weight to the evidence or ordering a stay of proceedings).
The High Court’s approach may preserve the judge’s decision-making independence; the government cannot force the judge’s hand. It fails, though, to address the clearest problems arising from secret evidence. These are fairness to the parties and damage to public confidence in the impartial administration of justice if significant parts of a government’s case may remain secret and untested.
Despite the numerous challenges to secret evidence provisions, the court has not once suggested that a fair hearing requires a minimum standard for disclosure. In short, the High Court has been prepared to say that fairness and judicial independence are maintained, even where openness is not.
It seems Kuether and others subject to secret evidence schemes around Australia cannot claim any constitutional entitlement to know the case against them. Responsibility for maintaining a fair court process rests entirely with the judge.
Arguably, however, judges considering untested police evidence in a system built on openness and adversarialism are performing their duties with one hand tied behind their backs. This is one of many reasons why some members of Queensland’s judiciary have shown resistance to the latest bikie laws.
These events highlight the lack of an explicit protection for fair process in the text of our constitution. Governments have a clear interest in being able to rely on undisclosed evidence.
The High Court has shown its capacity to protect fair trial rights through the lens of the separation of judicial power. It seems that the only way to check the increasing use of secret evidence in our courts may be the path of last resort. The time may have come for Australians to consider the option of constitutional change to strengthen fair process protections.
The Imposed Immigration Policy
Hello People !!! Vinco here !!!
I hope you have read our recent articles about Multiculturism. There are many more like them - and books - all well researched, and authored by very level-headed persons.
You know, friends, the Establishment and other Propagators of Multiculturism NEVER AGREE TO DEBATE such reports, CANNOT CHALLENGE them, CAN'T PROVE THAT THEY ARE WRONG, but they DO resort to sniping via THEIR. CONTROLLED Media.
And "they", TERRIFIED of a Mass AWAKENING, ALWAYS fall back on their now worn-out false accusations of 'Racism', 'Extremism', 'Xenophobia', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'Hate -talk', etc., etc., etc.
Observers acquainted with the treachery of politics serving the Agenda of One-World-Government, will cynically, but CORRECTLY, note the Establishment's Prolonged use of the tactic to ACCUSE THEIR OPPONENTS OF DOING THE VERY THINGS WHICH THEY THEMSELVES (the Establishment) ARE DOING OR ARE PLANNING TO DO.
For example
1). WHO is responsible for the ANTI-WHITE and ANTI-KOORI RACISM In Australia ?? NOT Australia First Party !!!
2). Refer to the REMOVAL OF GUNS from the Community, and the recently reported SECRECY "Evidence" on which Government can rely in Court when Prosecuting (or PERSECUTING) Aussies - THIS IS Government Xenophobia of WHITE Australians !!!
3). "Extremism" - We've never before seen such EXTREME MEASURES BY GOVERNMENT TO DISPOSSESS Australians !!!!
4). "Conspiracies" - there's ALMOST NOTHING WHICH GOVERNMENT DOES TODAY WHICH IS NOT PART OF THE CONSPIRACY TO DISPOSSESS Australians AND to hand our Country over to Foreigners.
5). "Hate-talk" - "They" really don't have to verbally express their HATE FOR AUSSIES !!!! What "THEY" ARE DOING TO US AMPLY DEMONSTRATES "THEIR "HATE FOR US AUSSIES" !!! It's, like, "Who HATES YOU, Baby ???!!! BIG BROTHER Government, THAT'S WHO !!!"
"Their" retaliation is SUCH a Bloody YAWN !!!!
Indeed, how can these reports about Multiculturism be NOW described as "THEORIES" ??? They are manifestly VERY VISIBLE REALITY !!!
Furthermore, regarding the term "Conspiracy", well the very PARALLEL PATTERN of this issue across ALL WESTERN NATIONS CLEARLY DEMONSTRATES THAT A CONSPIRACY IS IN FACT 'AFOOT' - a 'Conspiracy' far too big to be "engineered" by any ITINERANT "CONSPIRACY THEORIST" !!!
Mr "Riverina-First" McCormack, Sir !!
WOULD YOU CARE TO DEBATE THE MATTER - IN FRONT OF YOUR "ADORING" CONSTITUENTS, hmmmm ??? What ?! No stomach for the incriminating TRUTH ???? But YOU SAY that Multiculturism "IS GOOD FOR AUSTRALIA" !!!
You can bring your personal photographer - as is your custom. And WE'LL VIDEO all the shots where you're stumbling for answers - or telling porkies !!.
Today, I want to have a few words about the IMPOSED IMMIGRATION 'Policy'and its accompanying Propaganda which leads to the DESTRUCTIVENESS CAUSED BY MULTICULTURISM.
Constant obfuscational propaganda about Immigration, Asylum-Seekers, and Multiculturism, all peppered with liberal doses of DISINFORMATION AND INTIMIDATORY 'POLITICAL CORRECTNESS' succeeds in subduing protest from many folk.
The State Education Curriculum includes the "Love the Multi-Culti" Propaganda too.
Others who delight in seeing the Aussies and their Heritage Put Down and Aussies DISPOSSESSED in their own Homeland, enthusiastically embrace this Establishment Propaganda. - now THERE's a REAL EXAMPLE Of "HATE" !!!
ON THE MULTI-CULTI SYSTEM .....And.... The IMPOSED ALIENS !!! These are the kind who would have run away from the Turks at Gallipolli, or from the Japs at Kokoda, or probably helped the enemy shoot the REAL AUSSIE Soldiers - real "HEROES" !!
Many Australians have fallen for the Propaganda line that " 'We are ALL immigrants', and that, therefore, the door should be open for ALL ALIENS. Then there's the Line, "We've gotta be HUMANITARIAN TO ALIENS, but BUGGER THE DESPERATE AUSSIES" !!!
Many's the CON which relies on a " 'Careless' Play on Words" intended to sound "Clever"(?) or to be "In-arguable"(?).
Dealing with these UN-CLEVER And UN-PROFOUND LITTLE 'ONE-LINERS' requires considerable explanation and reasoning. But I'll try to be brief and succint.
Shall we start at the beginning !!!
Capt. Cook claimed this land in the name of the British Monarch of the day, FOR Great Britain. Across History, such claims have been recognised internationally. Australia then became several ENGLISH-SPEAKING COLONIES RULED FROM BRITAIN. IT WAS BRITISH TERRITORY !!!
The first Settlers (AND 'Alleged' "Convicts") were largely from Britain and Ireland. ENGLISH was the spoken language, and we were under GOVERNANCE FROM BRITAIN.
The Settlers who followed, across the Pioneering years, were ALSO PREDOMINANTLY FROM BRITAIN AND IRELAND. There were also small numbers of new Settlers who came from Western Europe. ENGLISH was still the accepted Spoken Language here. Government of these Australian Colonies BY GREAT BRITAIN CONTINUED UNTIL "FEDERATION" created (from the former Colonies) the Nation of Australia . Federation introduced "Self Rule", BUT ........ WE CONTINUED TO ACCEPT THE BRITISH MONARCH as "OUR" MONARCH (with all of the ramifications including appeals to the Monarch). We were seen to be a part of the BRITISH EMPIRE (and as such, one of the "Dominions of the Realm") through until the time of World War 2, and later.
Further Settlers continued arriving mainly from Britain and Ireland after Federation, also more from Europe, including some from the North of the Mediterranean This continued until after World War 2.
The early Post-War "immigrants" included NUMEROUS people from across various Nations of war-torn Europe (AND from Britain) and such European "immigrants" were generally known as the "Displaced Persons of Europe", or similar.
Notwithstanding, the vast majority of Australians, well after World War 2, were of Anglo-Saxon-Celtic Heritage from Britain and Ireland, and to that period we still thought of Britain as OUR Mother Country, and we had very strong links with Britain and our Relatives there.
Newcomers from other countries in Europe settled in and accepted that we were predominantly of British stock and that we loved OUR Monarchy. They wanted the STABILITY and SECURITY OF. LIVING IN A "BRITISH" COUNTRY .
The ALIEN "IMMIGRANTS" of today are vastly different from the British and European "SETTLERS" of the past.
Our Oxford Dictionary describes "IMMIGRATE" as to "come as settler into FOREIGN Country".
The same Dictionary describes "FOREIGNER" as "Person born in foreign country, or speaking foreign language".
The Oxford Dictionary describes the many ways in which the word "FOREIGN" can be used. The meanings which are here relevant, are, "Alien from or to......,". "of, in, characteristic of, coming from some country NOT IN THE UNITED KINGDOM OR ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRIES".
And so, the VAST MAJORITY OF AUSTRALIANS, having their roots in Britain and Ireland, NO MATTER WHEN THEY OR THEIR ANCESTORS ARRIVED HERE, ARE "NOT" so-called "Immigrants" - they simply MOVED FROM ONE PART OF BRITISH TERRITORY TO ANOTHER PART OF BRITISH TERRITORY. WE were BRITISH CITIZENS from the time of the First Settlement until AFTER WORLD WAR 2.
Well after World War 2, Australians STILL TRAVELLED ON "BRITISH PASSPORTS" !!!
SO to the Aussies of Anglo-Saxon-Celtic including Irish roots, you and your ancestors who came here WERE NEVER "IMMIGRANTS" in the sense of which that word is used today. You all SIMPLY RELOCATED TO ANOTHER PART OF BRITAIN - NO DIFFERENT than travelling from London to Liverpool in England !!!
As to the assorted Settlers who came here from Europe and along the North side of the Mediterranean, yes, they were "Immigrants" BUT there is a VAST DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THEM and the ALIEN IMMIGRANTS NOW BEING FOISTED UPON US !!! The Europeans are all from "CHRISTIAN" CIVILIZATIONS. The European "immigrants" DID NOT BRING CRIME WAVES; DID NOT COME HERE TO BLUDGE ON THE TAXES OF TAX-PAYING AUSTRALIANS; They RESPECTED OUR FLAG And OUR TRADITIONS; because of their European Christian CIVILIZATION, they ASSIMILATED EASILY AND NATURALLY AMONG US; Some of them feature as our early Explorers, and later others are among our Pioneers, and in war-time they have not shirked to serve our country. Many in the Post WW2 period worked on major projects that served the people (Snowy Mountains) and performed the strenuous labour on our farms before the advent of modern Farm Machinery.
You can NEVER Equate the IMPOSED Anti-Aussie ALIEN Immigrants with the European Settlers who preceded them !!! NEVER !!!!
Our early British Settlers came to BUILD this land, and their descendants, later British Settlers, and then the later European Settlers, continued that BUILDING in this ENGLISH-SPEAKING .... BRITISH LAND - ASKING ......And RECEIVING NO FAVOURS !!!
So let's hear no more of that CRAP that "We're ALL 'Immigrants' " !!!
Readers should be aware that, ever since Federal Government opened the doors to waves of ALIEN (non-British/non-European) immigrants (beginning effectively in 1972), there were NUMEROUS representations of PROTEST by Australians.
Liberal and Labor Governments ignored these protests and instead "Glorified" the doing away with the former White Australia Policy, and used this to "justify" the new IMPOSED ALIEN IMMIGRATION POLICY.
The Labor Party of very early times after Federation, (ie, when Labor WAS PATRIOTIC TO Australia) fought hard to prevent the early Conservative Government and the Elitist Moneyed Class from bringing in Hordes from Asia, the Pacific and other non-European countries. From these efforts, the White Australia Policy came into being.
Two men were recently discussing the issue of the present-day Immigration "Programme".
Eric, from Western Europe, was brought to Australia as a small child with his family, in the 1950's. Lionel, of British ancestry, was a "Fourth Generation" Australian.
There was a general consensus between them, that (among many other immigration-related issues) increasing criminal behaviour among Alien immigrants was un-acceptable.
Lionel wanted ALL Alien immigration stopped, and ALL of the ALIENS sent back to their home countries.
Eric disagreed. He said we should just make tough rules to keep the trouble-making Aliens in line, only repatriate them as a last resort, BUT CONTINUE BRINGING ALIEN HORDES INTO AUSTRALIA. HE WOULD NOT SAY 'WHY' !!!
So, if he had a preference for living amongst hordes of Aliens, why doesn't he migrate to an Alien country ??
Eric set out to support his "argument" with that great Propaganda line, "We are ALL IMMIGRANTS !!".
Lionel responded to that in terms as related at the beginning of this article. DEAD SILENCE FROM ERIC !!!
Lionel reminded Eric that, when his family brought him here in the 1950's, we STILL HAD THE 'WHITE AUSTRALIA POLICY', and his family WAS VERY HAPPY TO COME TO THIS WHITE MAN's COUNTRY, otherwise they could have gone to ANY of the ALIENS' countries. But, NO !! THEY CHOSE WHITE AUSTRALIA !!! DEAD SILENCE FROM ERIC !!!!
And then Eric said, "Well, it was the Government which changed the Immigration Policy - not us.".
Lionel replied saying, "So, Government having changed the "Policy" WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF AUSTRALIANS, in your view that's FINAL ........FOREVER, huh ???". NO ANSWER !!!!!
Lionel then puts to Eric, "Since you have OPPOSING views relating to OTHER Government policies, but NOT to this Immigration Policy, you now ADMIT that, in fact, YOU HAVE AN UNDECLARED REASON FOR SUPPORTING THE CONTINUING SWAMPING OF AUSTRALIA WITH ALIENS !!! WHAT IS THAT REASON, Dear "Friend" ????". DEAD SILENCE FROM ERIC !!!!
After a long pause, Eric says, "Well, since I am an immigrant, AND I am also MARRIED TO AN ASIAN LADY, it would be HYPOCRITICAL OF ME TO STAND AGAINST CONTINUING IMMIGRATION. I don't want to be a "HYPOCRITE".
Lionel responded saying:-
1). Well, we mustn't see your reputation, principles and scruples sullied, must we !!!! But, who will know, who cares, it breaks no law, and in fact to employ that "defence" (?), reveals false, irrelevant and shallow thinking.
3). So you say that as far as you're concerned, Australia can sink under the endless hordes of Aliens, But you will uphold the "Lofty Principle" of not being a 'Hypocrite', huh ???!!! What an inane PRETEXT behind which you attempt to hide - to CONCEAL YOUR DECEIT...............that YOU SUPPORT THE CONTINUING ALIEN INFLUX. !!!
4). Then tell me "Dear Friend", WHY DO YOU SO HATE AUSTRALIANS THAT YOU WANT TO ADD YOUR VOICE IN SUPPORT OF THE CONTINUING INVASION BY ALIENS ???? Perhaps, since you SO OBVIOUSLY want Australia swamped with Aliens, if you lot were here during World War 2 you'd have joined the Japanese Invasion attempts against Australia, or would have worked as their Spies among us. Or, like Dutch Airmen stationed in Australia at the time, you'd be "involved" in suspicious activities in support of the Third Reich !!!". DEAD SILENCE !!!
Then Eric tried another argument. He referred to those few Chinese who remained in Australia after the Goldrush days, saying that they and their descendants had settled down, opened small businesses that served the community and were good citizens.
"So", said Lionel, "having just several hundred Chinese remnants here during the remainder of the Pioneering period is justification to now bring MILLIONS of Chinese into Australia, right ???". DEAD SILENCE !!!
Lionel then put to Eric, "In your secret Agenda of HATE for and TREACHERY AGAINST White Australians and the Koori, we note that you would not have the courage to openly declare your stance, but instead you move like a snake in the dark supporting others moving in concert to dispossess Australians. This is your "Gratitude" to Australia for accepting you and your family after you ABANDONED your prior homeland !!"
There may be quite a few TWISTED Erics in Australia. Together with the pussy-footing Aussies who kow-tow to Political Correctness, they are as dangerous to Australia as are the politicians who KNOWINGLY lead us deeper into pre-planned DISASTER And DISPOSSESSION.
To all the GUTLESS SELF-HATING AUSSIES, And to ALL the ERICS, THE JOYS OF COMMUNIST CHINA or of insanely chaotic MUSLIM lands awaits you - HERE Or THERE !!!
We thank all of our friends for their continuing support.
Much Kindness to all the REAL AUSSIES out there.
Vinco Stelmonovic.
I hope you have read our recent articles about Multiculturism. There are many more like them - and books - all well researched, and authored by very level-headed persons.
You know, friends, the Establishment and other Propagators of Multiculturism NEVER AGREE TO DEBATE such reports, CANNOT CHALLENGE them, CAN'T PROVE THAT THEY ARE WRONG, but they DO resort to sniping via THEIR. CONTROLLED Media.
And "they", TERRIFIED of a Mass AWAKENING, ALWAYS fall back on their now worn-out false accusations of 'Racism', 'Extremism', 'Xenophobia', 'Conspiracy Theories', 'Hate -talk', etc., etc., etc.
Observers acquainted with the treachery of politics serving the Agenda of One-World-Government, will cynically, but CORRECTLY, note the Establishment's Prolonged use of the tactic to ACCUSE THEIR OPPONENTS OF DOING THE VERY THINGS WHICH THEY THEMSELVES (the Establishment) ARE DOING OR ARE PLANNING TO DO.
For example
1). WHO is responsible for the ANTI-WHITE and ANTI-KOORI RACISM In Australia ?? NOT Australia First Party !!!
2). Refer to the REMOVAL OF GUNS from the Community, and the recently reported SECRECY "Evidence" on which Government can rely in Court when Prosecuting (or PERSECUTING) Aussies - THIS IS Government Xenophobia of WHITE Australians !!!
3). "Extremism" - We've never before seen such EXTREME MEASURES BY GOVERNMENT TO DISPOSSESS Australians !!!!
4). "Conspiracies" - there's ALMOST NOTHING WHICH GOVERNMENT DOES TODAY WHICH IS NOT PART OF THE CONSPIRACY TO DISPOSSESS Australians AND to hand our Country over to Foreigners.
5). "Hate-talk" - "They" really don't have to verbally express their HATE FOR AUSSIES !!!! What "THEY" ARE DOING TO US AMPLY DEMONSTRATES "THEIR "HATE FOR US AUSSIES" !!! It's, like, "Who HATES YOU, Baby ???!!! BIG BROTHER Government, THAT'S WHO !!!"
"Their" retaliation is SUCH a Bloody YAWN !!!!
Indeed, how can these reports about Multiculturism be NOW described as "THEORIES" ??? They are manifestly VERY VISIBLE REALITY !!!
Furthermore, regarding the term "Conspiracy", well the very PARALLEL PATTERN of this issue across ALL WESTERN NATIONS CLEARLY DEMONSTRATES THAT A CONSPIRACY IS IN FACT 'AFOOT' - a 'Conspiracy' far too big to be "engineered" by any ITINERANT "CONSPIRACY THEORIST" !!!
Mr "Riverina-First" McCormack, Sir !!
WOULD YOU CARE TO DEBATE THE MATTER - IN FRONT OF YOUR "ADORING" CONSTITUENTS, hmmmm ??? What ?! No stomach for the incriminating TRUTH ???? But YOU SAY that Multiculturism "IS GOOD FOR AUSTRALIA" !!!
You can bring your personal photographer - as is your custom. And WE'LL VIDEO all the shots where you're stumbling for answers - or telling porkies !!.
Today, I want to have a few words about the IMPOSED IMMIGRATION 'Policy'and its accompanying Propaganda which leads to the DESTRUCTIVENESS CAUSED BY MULTICULTURISM.
Constant obfuscational propaganda about Immigration, Asylum-Seekers, and Multiculturism, all peppered with liberal doses of DISINFORMATION AND INTIMIDATORY 'POLITICAL CORRECTNESS' succeeds in subduing protest from many folk.
The State Education Curriculum includes the "Love the Multi-Culti" Propaganda too.
Others who delight in seeing the Aussies and their Heritage Put Down and Aussies DISPOSSESSED in their own Homeland, enthusiastically embrace this Establishment Propaganda. - now THERE's a REAL EXAMPLE Of "HATE" !!!
ON THE MULTI-CULTI SYSTEM .....And.... The IMPOSED ALIENS !!! These are the kind who would have run away from the Turks at Gallipolli, or from the Japs at Kokoda, or probably helped the enemy shoot the REAL AUSSIE Soldiers - real "HEROES" !!
Many Australians have fallen for the Propaganda line that " 'We are ALL immigrants', and that, therefore, the door should be open for ALL ALIENS. Then there's the Line, "We've gotta be HUMANITARIAN TO ALIENS, but BUGGER THE DESPERATE AUSSIES" !!!
Many's the CON which relies on a " 'Careless' Play on Words" intended to sound "Clever"(?) or to be "In-arguable"(?).
Dealing with these UN-CLEVER And UN-PROFOUND LITTLE 'ONE-LINERS' requires considerable explanation and reasoning. But I'll try to be brief and succint.
Shall we start at the beginning !!!
Capt. Cook claimed this land in the name of the British Monarch of the day, FOR Great Britain. Across History, such claims have been recognised internationally. Australia then became several ENGLISH-SPEAKING COLONIES RULED FROM BRITAIN. IT WAS BRITISH TERRITORY !!!
The first Settlers (AND 'Alleged' "Convicts") were largely from Britain and Ireland. ENGLISH was the spoken language, and we were under GOVERNANCE FROM BRITAIN.
The Settlers who followed, across the Pioneering years, were ALSO PREDOMINANTLY FROM BRITAIN AND IRELAND. There were also small numbers of new Settlers who came from Western Europe. ENGLISH was still the accepted Spoken Language here. Government of these Australian Colonies BY GREAT BRITAIN CONTINUED UNTIL "FEDERATION" created (from the former Colonies) the Nation of Australia . Federation introduced "Self Rule", BUT ........ WE CONTINUED TO ACCEPT THE BRITISH MONARCH as "OUR" MONARCH (with all of the ramifications including appeals to the Monarch). We were seen to be a part of the BRITISH EMPIRE (and as such, one of the "Dominions of the Realm") through until the time of World War 2, and later.
Further Settlers continued arriving mainly from Britain and Ireland after Federation, also more from Europe, including some from the North of the Mediterranean This continued until after World War 2.
The early Post-War "immigrants" included NUMEROUS people from across various Nations of war-torn Europe (AND from Britain) and such European "immigrants" were generally known as the "Displaced Persons of Europe", or similar.
Notwithstanding, the vast majority of Australians, well after World War 2, were of Anglo-Saxon-Celtic Heritage from Britain and Ireland, and to that period we still thought of Britain as OUR Mother Country, and we had very strong links with Britain and our Relatives there.
Newcomers from other countries in Europe settled in and accepted that we were predominantly of British stock and that we loved OUR Monarchy. They wanted the STABILITY and SECURITY OF. LIVING IN A "BRITISH" COUNTRY .
The ALIEN "IMMIGRANTS" of today are vastly different from the British and European "SETTLERS" of the past.
Our Oxford Dictionary describes "IMMIGRATE" as to "come as settler into FOREIGN Country".
The same Dictionary describes "FOREIGNER" as "Person born in foreign country, or speaking foreign language".
The Oxford Dictionary describes the many ways in which the word "FOREIGN" can be used. The meanings which are here relevant, are, "Alien from or to......,". "of, in, characteristic of, coming from some country NOT IN THE UNITED KINGDOM OR ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRIES".
And so, the VAST MAJORITY OF AUSTRALIANS, having their roots in Britain and Ireland, NO MATTER WHEN THEY OR THEIR ANCESTORS ARRIVED HERE, ARE "NOT" so-called "Immigrants" - they simply MOVED FROM ONE PART OF BRITISH TERRITORY TO ANOTHER PART OF BRITISH TERRITORY. WE were BRITISH CITIZENS from the time of the First Settlement until AFTER WORLD WAR 2.
Well after World War 2, Australians STILL TRAVELLED ON "BRITISH PASSPORTS" !!!
SO to the Aussies of Anglo-Saxon-Celtic including Irish roots, you and your ancestors who came here WERE NEVER "IMMIGRANTS" in the sense of which that word is used today. You all SIMPLY RELOCATED TO ANOTHER PART OF BRITAIN - NO DIFFERENT than travelling from London to Liverpool in England !!!
As to the assorted Settlers who came here from Europe and along the North side of the Mediterranean, yes, they were "Immigrants" BUT there is a VAST DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THEM and the ALIEN IMMIGRANTS NOW BEING FOISTED UPON US !!! The Europeans are all from "CHRISTIAN" CIVILIZATIONS. The European "immigrants" DID NOT BRING CRIME WAVES; DID NOT COME HERE TO BLUDGE ON THE TAXES OF TAX-PAYING AUSTRALIANS; They RESPECTED OUR FLAG And OUR TRADITIONS; because of their European Christian CIVILIZATION, they ASSIMILATED EASILY AND NATURALLY AMONG US; Some of them feature as our early Explorers, and later others are among our Pioneers, and in war-time they have not shirked to serve our country. Many in the Post WW2 period worked on major projects that served the people (Snowy Mountains) and performed the strenuous labour on our farms before the advent of modern Farm Machinery.
You can NEVER Equate the IMPOSED Anti-Aussie ALIEN Immigrants with the European Settlers who preceded them !!! NEVER !!!!
Our early British Settlers came to BUILD this land, and their descendants, later British Settlers, and then the later European Settlers, continued that BUILDING in this ENGLISH-SPEAKING .... BRITISH LAND - ASKING ......And RECEIVING NO FAVOURS !!!
So let's hear no more of that CRAP that "We're ALL 'Immigrants' " !!!
Readers should be aware that, ever since Federal Government opened the doors to waves of ALIEN (non-British/non-European) immigrants (beginning effectively in 1972), there were NUMEROUS representations of PROTEST by Australians.
Liberal and Labor Governments ignored these protests and instead "Glorified" the doing away with the former White Australia Policy, and used this to "justify" the new IMPOSED ALIEN IMMIGRATION POLICY.
The Labor Party of very early times after Federation, (ie, when Labor WAS PATRIOTIC TO Australia) fought hard to prevent the early Conservative Government and the Elitist Moneyed Class from bringing in Hordes from Asia, the Pacific and other non-European countries. From these efforts, the White Australia Policy came into being.
Two men were recently discussing the issue of the present-day Immigration "Programme".
Eric, from Western Europe, was brought to Australia as a small child with his family, in the 1950's. Lionel, of British ancestry, was a "Fourth Generation" Australian.
There was a general consensus between them, that (among many other immigration-related issues) increasing criminal behaviour among Alien immigrants was un-acceptable.
Lionel wanted ALL Alien immigration stopped, and ALL of the ALIENS sent back to their home countries.
Eric disagreed. He said we should just make tough rules to keep the trouble-making Aliens in line, only repatriate them as a last resort, BUT CONTINUE BRINGING ALIEN HORDES INTO AUSTRALIA. HE WOULD NOT SAY 'WHY' !!!
So, if he had a preference for living amongst hordes of Aliens, why doesn't he migrate to an Alien country ??
Eric set out to support his "argument" with that great Propaganda line, "We are ALL IMMIGRANTS !!".
Lionel responded to that in terms as related at the beginning of this article. DEAD SILENCE FROM ERIC !!!
Lionel reminded Eric that, when his family brought him here in the 1950's, we STILL HAD THE 'WHITE AUSTRALIA POLICY', and his family WAS VERY HAPPY TO COME TO THIS WHITE MAN's COUNTRY, otherwise they could have gone to ANY of the ALIENS' countries. But, NO !! THEY CHOSE WHITE AUSTRALIA !!! DEAD SILENCE FROM ERIC !!!!
And then Eric said, "Well, it was the Government which changed the Immigration Policy - not us.".
Lionel replied saying, "So, Government having changed the "Policy" WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF AUSTRALIANS, in your view that's FINAL ........FOREVER, huh ???". NO ANSWER !!!!!
Lionel then puts to Eric, "Since you have OPPOSING views relating to OTHER Government policies, but NOT to this Immigration Policy, you now ADMIT that, in fact, YOU HAVE AN UNDECLARED REASON FOR SUPPORTING THE CONTINUING SWAMPING OF AUSTRALIA WITH ALIENS !!! WHAT IS THAT REASON, Dear "Friend" ????". DEAD SILENCE FROM ERIC !!!!
After a long pause, Eric says, "Well, since I am an immigrant, AND I am also MARRIED TO AN ASIAN LADY, it would be HYPOCRITICAL OF ME TO STAND AGAINST CONTINUING IMMIGRATION. I don't want to be a "HYPOCRITE".
Lionel responded saying:-
1). Well, we mustn't see your reputation, principles and scruples sullied, must we !!!! But, who will know, who cares, it breaks no law, and in fact to employ that "defence" (?), reveals false, irrelevant and shallow thinking.
3). So you say that as far as you're concerned, Australia can sink under the endless hordes of Aliens, But you will uphold the "Lofty Principle" of not being a 'Hypocrite', huh ???!!! What an inane PRETEXT behind which you attempt to hide - to CONCEAL YOUR DECEIT...............that YOU SUPPORT THE CONTINUING ALIEN INFLUX. !!!
4). Then tell me "Dear Friend", WHY DO YOU SO HATE AUSTRALIANS THAT YOU WANT TO ADD YOUR VOICE IN SUPPORT OF THE CONTINUING INVASION BY ALIENS ???? Perhaps, since you SO OBVIOUSLY want Australia swamped with Aliens, if you lot were here during World War 2 you'd have joined the Japanese Invasion attempts against Australia, or would have worked as their Spies among us. Or, like Dutch Airmen stationed in Australia at the time, you'd be "involved" in suspicious activities in support of the Third Reich !!!". DEAD SILENCE !!!
Then Eric tried another argument. He referred to those few Chinese who remained in Australia after the Goldrush days, saying that they and their descendants had settled down, opened small businesses that served the community and were good citizens.
"So", said Lionel, "having just several hundred Chinese remnants here during the remainder of the Pioneering period is justification to now bring MILLIONS of Chinese into Australia, right ???". DEAD SILENCE !!!
Lionel then put to Eric, "In your secret Agenda of HATE for and TREACHERY AGAINST White Australians and the Koori, we note that you would not have the courage to openly declare your stance, but instead you move like a snake in the dark supporting others moving in concert to dispossess Australians. This is your "Gratitude" to Australia for accepting you and your family after you ABANDONED your prior homeland !!"
There may be quite a few TWISTED Erics in Australia. Together with the pussy-footing Aussies who kow-tow to Political Correctness, they are as dangerous to Australia as are the politicians who KNOWINGLY lead us deeper into pre-planned DISASTER And DISPOSSESSION.
To all the GUTLESS SELF-HATING AUSSIES, And to ALL the ERICS, THE JOYS OF COMMUNIST CHINA or of insanely chaotic MUSLIM lands awaits you - HERE Or THERE !!!
We thank all of our friends for their continuing support.
Much Kindness to all the REAL AUSSIES out there.
Vinco Stelmonovic.
A Must Read
Foreign investment in Real Estate: The situation as it is today.
Chinese investors in Australian real estate have been causing problems for first home buyers, helping to drive up prices even further. The Australian government is continuing its program of treason against the Australian nation, by continuing to allow foreign investment in residential property in Australia, and failing to ensure that regulations regarding foreign investment are enforced. The Real Estate lobby, and government at all levels are playing us for chumps, selling out our future for the benefit of a few cowboy investors and handing Australia on a platter to foreign interests.
We have written in the past about the inter-generation conflict in Australia, Baby Boomer’s pricing their own children out of the market and foolishly chalking this up as some form of success. Local investors and little landlords on a feeding frenzy, building their property portfolio and outbidding working Australians who want a home to live and and maybe raise a family, impoverishing our nation by pulling down our quality of life. We have also highlighted how property investment is creating a poorer quality Real Estate market, by leaving subdivided dregs, worth far less as an investment, for us. If the current generation haven’t had enough punishment from domestic pressure points, foreign investment has ramped up, particularly from wealthy Chinese investors, who are often seen at auctions bidding well above the reserve price, paying far in excess of the market value.
As one Australian notes,
From “The Australian”.
Further alarming figures from news.com.au
We have been informed of other potential reasons. One Chinese ex-patriot informed that much of the activity was due to money laundering. The now well known ‘empty’ cities, and the rampant purchase of foreign property may be in part an attempt to simply get rid of money quickly.
It is even more disgusting to realise that we are being pushed slowly out of own cities, to provide homes for Chinese, when they have whole empty cities in China awaiting them. If only Australians could have the same access to those empty cities that Chinese have to property here, but alas, that is not the case. So this is what it comes to. Australians moving out of the suburbs and cities they grew up in, commuting further and further for work and as a result spending less and less time, to offer infrastructure to people who have an over-abundance of it back in their country of origin.
The figures regarding this ramping up of Chinese investment confirm anecdotal reports of a sudden increase in the number of Chinese investors who are appearing at auctions. Australians have noted that quite often investors will fly into Australia, attend auctions and fly back to China. If they decide not to flout the laws and purchase the property themselves, there is likely a relative here willing to do it on their behalf. Also, bidding is aggressive and young couples looking for their first home and found that they have little hope. Foreign investment laws are routinely being flouted or circumvented, as non-residents get relatives or friends who are Australian residents to purchase on their behalf. It is probably also likely that non-residents simply purchase established property here in Australia, as there is little due process to ensure eligibility. This is easy way to get around the FIRB restrictions, essentially rendering the FIRB almost as good as useless in protecting the Australia market and protecting our interests.
In December 2008, to keep the property bubble inflated and avoid a market correction, Kevid Rudd announced changes to legislation that allowed temporary residents to purchase property in Australia without having to go through the FIRB. Rudd responded to the outcry in April 2010 tightening the rules again, after much public outcry, no longer making temporary residents exempt from being able to bypass the FIRB, but it was too little.
Conflict of Interest: A stable economy versus a free lunch
Property is treated like a religion here, with fixation on property porn (Hot Property/Hot Auctions, The Block, Selling Houses Australia, Escape to the Country, Grand Designs), a seemingly unexplainable love of putting property to auction for sale (a practice which is generally rare in most other countries) and perks for investors unmatched in most other countries (negative gearing). One of the reasons that the Australian property market did not fall when property markets around the world did perhaps have more to do with our relatively increased level of insanity and mania regarding property compared to other nations. That is, a peculiar insanity and obsession with property may be the only thing holding the property market afloat. It is defying all fundamentals, and by all rights, should have fallen. It seems that foreign investors have caught the mania. Either the Chinese are correct in property being a good investment, or they are being foolish. It seems the latter may be the case.
As discussed in previous articles, property booms create an illusion of wealth. As our countries economy seems to be little more than housing speculation, our national wealth is largely illusionary.
George Soros in 2010 said if the Australian housing market didn’t burst, then it would be the first time in history. xvIt hasn’t burst as yet (Feb 2014), but may be to early to call this the ‘new normal’. George Soros also did predict a drop in the value of the Australian dollar and is now predicting problems for the Chinese economy.xvi Problems that perhaps have been a long time coming. If the Chinese economy goes, and it likely will, this will spell havoc for ours. George Soros is not the only one who has reservations about our property ponzi scheme and the stablity of our banks. Matthew McLennan, who is a fund manager in New York for First Eagle Investment Management, stated that he won’t touch Australian banks because they are too risky and due to the high level of private sector debt (among the highest rates in the world).xvii Joe Hockey said that Australia was a long way from a bubble, which indicates to us that Joe Hockey is completely and utterly, hopelessly clueless. Perhaps Joe Hockey was trying to talk up our economy by denying the obvious and boosting ‘confidence’, but if this how the Liberal Party ensure our economic success, then this just vindicates Mr McLennans decision to leave Australia as an investment target alone. Any country run by a treasurer displaying such ignorance is risky indeed.
The Bubble
The graph below shows the anatomy of a typical asset bubble.

We can see that there are actually two peaks, with a small ‘dip’ in between. Recall at about 2009-2010 the property market was starting to falter, and prices were slowly deflating. It looked like the boom may be over, but prices quickly shot up again. “Return to Normal” is exactly how the property industry is calling this rise in prices after the lull at the end of the last decade. Perhaps we are now at the second peak in the ‘blow off phase’. If this is the case, then the message to any investor holding property for capital gains is strike now while the iron is still hot.
The image below shows property prices, and bears a noticeable similarity to the movements of an asset bubble in the graph above. xviii

You can see, particularly in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth, the cities most affected by the bubble, the peak in 2010, the drop (bear trap) and the second peak (the new normal).
Who wants to take a bet now that it will be “different this time”? Who wants to stake a few hundred thousand dollars that the movement of Australian property price is not the movement of asset prices in a bubble? Do you want to bet your life on the “New Normal” actually being a new normal and that Joe Hockey is correct. For those who are withholding purchasing property and boycotting the industry, if you can afford to wait, it may well be worth it.
This means that the Chinese investors are either foolish, willing to strengthen their foothold in Australia and have a place here for themselves at whatever cost, or know that somehow this investment opportunity will defy logic and pay off. The first two options are probably the most likely.
Unfortunately, we cannot be sure of anything. There remains the possibility that prices won’t fall, that the government will do what it takes to keep the bubble inflated. They have done well so far, and perhaps can hold out longer, but to do so would involve further destruction of our nation. It would involve impoverishing future generations, turning our children and grandchildren into renters who have no stability, at the mercy of greedy landlords. Renting is common in Europe, but European renters and rights and protections that renters here can only dream of. Protection from sharp rent increases, and the ability to sign long term, decades long leases. A nation of renters can work in countries like Germany, where renters have almost all the stability and security that home-owners do, or in cities like New York, with their famous rent control, but not in Australia where leases are short term, or month by month, and where there is on rent control. We are too obsessed with property as a get rich quick scheme to worry about ensuring that our residential property effectively provides homes for our nation (people). An obsession that a nationalist government would quickly put and end to with various policy changes including an end to any foreign investment in Australian residential property.
The future: We are on our own.
When one is a Nationalist, one takes on a more pessimistic view of the world. A nationalists loses faith in multiculturalism and does not expect our multicultural “brothers” to have the same desire to advance our nation that we do. One of our Nationalist Alternative members noted that groups dedicated to protecting our environment, our way of life, of halting our slide through rampant population growth are almost completely comprised of white people. One can see people from old traditional European immigration sources taking an interest in politics and the future of our children and country, but when it comes to immigrants from non-traditional sources, they are conspicuously absent.
We are supposed to believe that we are all one, that we all have the same shared fate, that we are one nation. One cannot help but notice though that this is not the case.
The fact of the matter is, that investors in real estate really don’t care about the country, and this goes doubly for foreign investors. They will do what is best for them, and doesn’t in any way include affordable and decent housing for us in our own country. Australians are hurting, but we should not be under any illusions that these investors buying up our properties are swayed by the disgust and sense of hopelessness that afflicts the young Australian generation with regards to this abominable situation.
For example, at the Chinese New Year festival in the city, there were no less than four stalls dedicated to selling Australian residential properties to China. A festival, paid for by our tax dollars, supposedly to celebrate our “multicultural Melbourne”, being used to hawk of properties which we are told were built to meet our needs, to people who don’t really need them. Even worse, the signs were all in Chinese. Born in Melbourne and wanting to live here? These aren’t for you.
This is a stall for “Central Equity” xix. According to the chap manning the stall, they don’t bother checking whether investors are eligible to purchase the properties they sell of not. They leave that to the investor. They are selling apartments in Lonsdale Street.


This was a stall for “elite”, www.ereal.com.au, located at 268 Russell Street, Melbourne. An ostensibly Australian company that also has strong ties with Asian markets.

Another stall celebrating “multiculturalism” by selling homes to a select audience. Again, Aussies need not apply. This may be your city and your land, but this isn’t for you… This appears to be 4C Realty, located at 401 Docklands Drive, Victoria.

We understand that business is business, but we also understand that we are being played for fools. This is the real face of diversity, competing ethnic interests, racial competition and hypocrisy. We are not highlighting these stalls to attack business, but to point out that while we are subject to propaganda with smiling faces of ‘diversity’, all happy together singing “we are one”, the stark reality confronts us in the streets. That in the middle of a festival, supposedly cultural, there were multiple stalls, targeted at Chinese and Chinese only (based on the lack of English on the signs) to sell Australian property to festival participants. These festivals are held up as examples of cohesiveness, of the success of diversity and how Australia’s multicultural experiment, unlike the rest of the world “is different here”. But these images show a different reality. We could understand stalls targeted solely for the Chinese community where were selling things of specific interest to them (such as niche Chinese goods, etc.), but when its something that all Australians are crying out for, homes, it is frankly offensive and disturbing.
In the end, they may quite likely be taken out by a property market crash, as predicted by Harry Dent.
Only an organisation loyal to OUR interests can hope to see us through the coming turmoil.
Foreign investment in Real Estate: The situation as it is today.
Chinese investors in Australian real estate have been causing problems for first home buyers, helping to drive up prices even further. The Australian government is continuing its program of treason against the Australian nation, by continuing to allow foreign investment in residential property in Australia, and failing to ensure that regulations regarding foreign investment are enforced. The Real Estate lobby, and government at all levels are playing us for chumps, selling out our future for the benefit of a few cowboy investors and handing Australia on a platter to foreign interests.
We have written in the past about the inter-generation conflict in Australia, Baby Boomer’s pricing their own children out of the market and foolishly chalking this up as some form of success. Local investors and little landlords on a feeding frenzy, building their property portfolio and outbidding working Australians who want a home to live and and maybe raise a family, impoverishing our nation by pulling down our quality of life. We have also highlighted how property investment is creating a poorer quality Real Estate market, by leaving subdivided dregs, worth far less as an investment, for us. If the current generation haven’t had enough punishment from domestic pressure points, foreign investment has ramped up, particularly from wealthy Chinese investors, who are often seen at auctions bidding well above the reserve price, paying far in excess of the market value.
“We recently saw a Chatswood property sell for $450,000 over reserve and a 2 bedroom terrace in Hurlstone Park where bidding pushed the price past its listing at $750,000 plus, past our appraisal of $830,000 and on to sell at $892,000.” iHow do you, the working Australian compete with that? How do you, who is the bread and butter of the Australian economy, the teacher, the paramedic, the researcher, the builder, the nurse, the factory floor worker compete with that?
As one Australian notes,
My partner and I have been looking for a new house in Sydney’s lower North shore area for the last 3 – 4 years. At auction after auction, we are out-bid by Chinese / HKG bidders who were bidding significantly above and beyond reserve. Nearly all open houses these days have a Chinese speaking agent on hand to assist Chinese buyers who usually outnumber non-Asian buyers. Despite Sydney’s high property prices, it’s still way less expensive than Shanghai or Beijing property, with better returns. ii2013 has seen a sharp rise in prices, which seems to have coincided with a rapid increase in activity from Chinese investors. While they are still a minority of the investor percentage, their zeal and willingness to pay far above and beyond market value has had a notable impact, pushing prices up and further locking us out of living the dream in our country. Few have failed to notice the massive increase in Chinese investor activity in 2012/2013.
Juwai.com, a website that lists homes around the world in Chinese, saw a 266 per cent increase in page views from China of Australian homes between January and August of 2013, according to the latest figures from the company. Australia is the second-most-popular destination for buyers from the mainland after the US, according to Juwai. iiiAustralia also has a property shortage and a comparatively small population.
From “The Australian”.
Chinese investment into Australian real estate has grown by almost 60 per cent in the past two years, with Chinese buyers and developers targeting Sydney and inner-city Melbourne. ivAnd from SBS
House prices are surging thanks to low interest rates and investor-led demand. Offshore buyers, mainly from China, are also becoming a driving force in the property market in Australia.Parts of the Melbourne market are booming too, thanks to demand from Chinese investors.v
Ian Bennett from residential and commerical property firm, Colliers International, also thinks the level of demand from Chinese investors is just the tip of the iceberg.
“I’d say it’s really taken off in the last year and especially in the last six months.”
According to Colliers, Chinese investment in Australia tripled between 2007 and 2012.
Further alarming figures from news.com.au
Foreign buyers snapped up one in every eight new properties built this year – up from one in 20 properties in 2011, National Australia Bank research reveals. viThere are a number of reasons given for this sudden increase. One is that Australian property is seen as a safe investment, in particular, money placed in Australian property is seen as safe from changes in laws which the Chinese government might enact, or from confiscation. This seems plausible but doesn’t seem to match what we know about China. The idea that Chinese millionaires are scared of their own government just doesn’t add up. There are also Chinese who wish to buy property for their children, to gain permanent residency or to have a home ready in Australia should they have to move here in a hurry. (Such as in the case of political instability). All these reasons seem to not tie in with the narrative they we are given of China, that it is a growing global superpower, and the future economic locus of the world. We are told that this is the “Asian Century” and that our success is linked to Asia, mostly due to China, but that Chinese are trying to leave and move their wealth to Australia. Why such scepticism from the Chinese about China? A holdover from the Communist days? These are the reasons generally given in the mainstream media, which seem contrary to the vision of the “Asian Century” that we are given.
We have been informed of other potential reasons. One Chinese ex-patriot informed that much of the activity was due to money laundering. The now well known ‘empty’ cities, and the rampant purchase of foreign property may be in part an attempt to simply get rid of money quickly.
China’s corrupt officials and crooked businessmen have smuggled billions of dollars overseas, much of which has ended up in real estate in the United States, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom—particularly in high-end neighborhoods in London, New York, Los Angeles, Sydney and Toronto. Now the Chinese government is embarking on a worldwide hunt to seize the properties with help from foreign governments, according to asset recovery and anti-corruption specialists. viiEven the argument that Chinese are buying property for their children may not be as it seems,
The soon-to-retire Chinese bigwig who has stashed money and relatives abroad in preparation for his escape is such a common character in China that it has its own phrase: luo guan, or “naked official.”As there is much corruption in China, and its economy in some ways resembles a kleptocracy, there are a significant number of millionaires, who for some reason or another have ‘hot money’, which they must offload like a hot potato. Rampant building is an easy way to do it, and Australians seem eager to help out. So much so, that residential property development is now taking place, not to house Australians, but cash on in the Chinese gravy train.
Some of them have laid the groundwork for years; one common ploy is to send a son or daughter overseas to a private university as a way to legitimize sending funds out of China. For example, the leaked Chinese central bank report on corruption showed that former ministry of finance official Xu Fangming deposited roughly 1 million yuan ($164,000) into the bank account of a son studying abroad. Perhaps not coincidentally, the number of Chinese students studying abroad has jumped in recent years. In the United States, it more than doubled to 194,000 in the 2011/2012 school year from five years ago. viii
TRACY BOWDEN: Under guidelines announced in late 2008, if a developer has preapproval from the Foreign Investment Review Board, 100 per cent of the apartments in a new development can be sold to foreigners.Another Australian writes,
MARTIN NORTH: So in some cases there are developers who are essentially building directly to sell to China and they’re advertising on websites over in China and using, you know, Chinese connections to be able to actually sell off the plan. And we’re also seeing other investors, some resident here in Australia and some resident overseas, looking at the high rise market and wanting to buy in as well. ix
I saw the advertising boards when I was in malaysia recently. They wanted people to move to australia provided they had the money to buy a house there. It was really that simple. Of course those adds (sic) weren’t aimed at the poor local malayans. It was aimed at the rich cashed up chinese as usual xReports of such advertising boards in Asia are widespread. (Anyone with photographic evidence should email us here)
It is even more disgusting to realise that we are being pushed slowly out of own cities, to provide homes for Chinese, when they have whole empty cities in China awaiting them. If only Australians could have the same access to those empty cities that Chinese have to property here, but alas, that is not the case. So this is what it comes to. Australians moving out of the suburbs and cities they grew up in, commuting further and further for work and as a result spending less and less time, to offer infrastructure to people who have an over-abundance of it back in their country of origin.
The figures regarding this ramping up of Chinese investment confirm anecdotal reports of a sudden increase in the number of Chinese investors who are appearing at auctions. Australians have noted that quite often investors will fly into Australia, attend auctions and fly back to China. If they decide not to flout the laws and purchase the property themselves, there is likely a relative here willing to do it on their behalf. Also, bidding is aggressive and young couples looking for their first home and found that they have little hope. Foreign investment laws are routinely being flouted or circumvented, as non-residents get relatives or friends who are Australian residents to purchase on their behalf. It is probably also likely that non-residents simply purchase established property here in Australia, as there is little due process to ensure eligibility. This is easy way to get around the FIRB restrictions, essentially rendering the FIRB almost as good as useless in protecting the Australia market and protecting our interests.
Andrew Taylor, the Australian founder of Chinese property website Juwai, said Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane were the most popular cities for Chinese househunting – but “Perth is really climbing fast”.The statement about established homes being popular among Chinese investors matches what Australians in Melbourne and Sydney have observed.
He said established homes were more popular than apartments bought off-the-plan.
But Mr Taylor said Chinese migrants were buying properties on behalf of family and friends living in China.
“Many international buyers will use their family and extended networks to purchase property in Australia,” he said from Shanghai.
“If they have a relative who is a permanent resident, there is no restriction in purchasing a property.” xi
In December 2008, to keep the property bubble inflated and avoid a market correction, Kevid Rudd announced changes to legislation that allowed temporary residents to purchase property in Australia without having to go through the FIRB. Rudd responded to the outcry in April 2010 tightening the rules again, after much public outcry, no longer making temporary residents exempt from being able to bypass the FIRB, but it was too little.
The outcry was so intense, that on the 24th April 2010, a tightening of foreign investment rules relating to residential property was announced, complete with a package of new civil penalties, compliance, monitoring and enforcement measures. The government even set up a 1800 hot-line for residents to report suspicious property buyers and help calm a heated public. It was sold to the Australian public as a reversal of the changes made in December 2008. But some are not convinced.Real Estate agents perform little to no background checking for eligibility. One estate agency we spoke to, which seemed to specialise in the Chinese market stated that it was up to the purchaser to ensure they were eligible, and that they, the real estate company did not perform any checks. Without any government investigation or oversight, there is ample incentive to flout the laws. The Real Estate industry, that gutter industry which engages in practices which would land one in jail should they be practiced by another sector of the economy, is cheering this on..
The problem is, there is no longer any transparency in the sector. xii
Harry Triguboff, founder of the Meriton Group, was reported as saying that fifteen per cent of Meriton’s sales in 2012 were to offshore Chinese investors.Mr Triguboff stated that one of his goals was to destroy the Australian dream of homes with yards. There are still a few Real Estate Agents who have some integrity.
Mr Triguboff said:
“They’re not very concerned about the amount of return, they want to see capital gain, and I think that now with our dollar coming down… it will help us to sell even more.” xiii
TRACY BOWDEN: Sydney buyer’s agent and author Patrick Bright refuses to help non-residents find property here.It would be of no surprise to us at all, to find out later that non-resident investors who have purchased established residential property. For a government to allow this, while Australians are hurting from watching their dreams of establishing a life for themselves fade away, is beyond the pale.
PATRICK BRIGHT: The reason the developers and that are chasing foreign buyers, be it wherever they’re from, is because they can get a higher price. I mean, why would you go to the effort of trying to sell your local development internationally if you could sell it to locals at the same price? So obviously they’re getting more money for it.
MARTIN NORTH: So we’re seeing prices shoot away. First-time buyers are aren’t able to get on the wagon simply because they can’t afford to get in, and they might be saving half, but they’ve now seen prices slide further up the scale. xiv
Conflict of Interest: A stable economy versus a free lunch
Property is treated like a religion here, with fixation on property porn (Hot Property/Hot Auctions, The Block, Selling Houses Australia, Escape to the Country, Grand Designs), a seemingly unexplainable love of putting property to auction for sale (a practice which is generally rare in most other countries) and perks for investors unmatched in most other countries (negative gearing). One of the reasons that the Australian property market did not fall when property markets around the world did perhaps have more to do with our relatively increased level of insanity and mania regarding property compared to other nations. That is, a peculiar insanity and obsession with property may be the only thing holding the property market afloat. It is defying all fundamentals, and by all rights, should have fallen. It seems that foreign investors have caught the mania. Either the Chinese are correct in property being a good investment, or they are being foolish. It seems the latter may be the case.
As discussed in previous articles, property booms create an illusion of wealth. As our countries economy seems to be little more than housing speculation, our national wealth is largely illusionary.
George Soros in 2010 said if the Australian housing market didn’t burst, then it would be the first time in history. xvIt hasn’t burst as yet (Feb 2014), but may be to early to call this the ‘new normal’. George Soros also did predict a drop in the value of the Australian dollar and is now predicting problems for the Chinese economy.xvi Problems that perhaps have been a long time coming. If the Chinese economy goes, and it likely will, this will spell havoc for ours. George Soros is not the only one who has reservations about our property ponzi scheme and the stablity of our banks. Matthew McLennan, who is a fund manager in New York for First Eagle Investment Management, stated that he won’t touch Australian banks because they are too risky and due to the high level of private sector debt (among the highest rates in the world).xvii Joe Hockey said that Australia was a long way from a bubble, which indicates to us that Joe Hockey is completely and utterly, hopelessly clueless. Perhaps Joe Hockey was trying to talk up our economy by denying the obvious and boosting ‘confidence’, but if this how the Liberal Party ensure our economic success, then this just vindicates Mr McLennans decision to leave Australia as an investment target alone. Any country run by a treasurer displaying such ignorance is risky indeed.
The Bubble
The graph below shows the anatomy of a typical asset bubble.

We can see that there are actually two peaks, with a small ‘dip’ in between. Recall at about 2009-2010 the property market was starting to falter, and prices were slowly deflating. It looked like the boom may be over, but prices quickly shot up again. “Return to Normal” is exactly how the property industry is calling this rise in prices after the lull at the end of the last decade. Perhaps we are now at the second peak in the ‘blow off phase’. If this is the case, then the message to any investor holding property for capital gains is strike now while the iron is still hot.
The image below shows property prices, and bears a noticeable similarity to the movements of an asset bubble in the graph above. xviii

You can see, particularly in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth, the cities most affected by the bubble, the peak in 2010, the drop (bear trap) and the second peak (the new normal).
Who wants to take a bet now that it will be “different this time”? Who wants to stake a few hundred thousand dollars that the movement of Australian property price is not the movement of asset prices in a bubble? Do you want to bet your life on the “New Normal” actually being a new normal and that Joe Hockey is correct. For those who are withholding purchasing property and boycotting the industry, if you can afford to wait, it may well be worth it.
This means that the Chinese investors are either foolish, willing to strengthen their foothold in Australia and have a place here for themselves at whatever cost, or know that somehow this investment opportunity will defy logic and pay off. The first two options are probably the most likely.
Unfortunately, we cannot be sure of anything. There remains the possibility that prices won’t fall, that the government will do what it takes to keep the bubble inflated. They have done well so far, and perhaps can hold out longer, but to do so would involve further destruction of our nation. It would involve impoverishing future generations, turning our children and grandchildren into renters who have no stability, at the mercy of greedy landlords. Renting is common in Europe, but European renters and rights and protections that renters here can only dream of. Protection from sharp rent increases, and the ability to sign long term, decades long leases. A nation of renters can work in countries like Germany, where renters have almost all the stability and security that home-owners do, or in cities like New York, with their famous rent control, but not in Australia where leases are short term, or month by month, and where there is on rent control. We are too obsessed with property as a get rich quick scheme to worry about ensuring that our residential property effectively provides homes for our nation (people). An obsession that a nationalist government would quickly put and end to with various policy changes including an end to any foreign investment in Australian residential property.
The future: We are on our own.
When one is a Nationalist, one takes on a more pessimistic view of the world. A nationalists loses faith in multiculturalism and does not expect our multicultural “brothers” to have the same desire to advance our nation that we do. One of our Nationalist Alternative members noted that groups dedicated to protecting our environment, our way of life, of halting our slide through rampant population growth are almost completely comprised of white people. One can see people from old traditional European immigration sources taking an interest in politics and the future of our children and country, but when it comes to immigrants from non-traditional sources, they are conspicuously absent.
We are supposed to believe that we are all one, that we all have the same shared fate, that we are one nation. One cannot help but notice though that this is not the case.
The fact of the matter is, that investors in real estate really don’t care about the country, and this goes doubly for foreign investors. They will do what is best for them, and doesn’t in any way include affordable and decent housing for us in our own country. Australians are hurting, but we should not be under any illusions that these investors buying up our properties are swayed by the disgust and sense of hopelessness that afflicts the young Australian generation with regards to this abominable situation.
For example, at the Chinese New Year festival in the city, there were no less than four stalls dedicated to selling Australian residential properties to China. A festival, paid for by our tax dollars, supposedly to celebrate our “multicultural Melbourne”, being used to hawk of properties which we are told were built to meet our needs, to people who don’t really need them. Even worse, the signs were all in Chinese. Born in Melbourne and wanting to live here? These aren’t for you.



This was a stall for “elite”, www.ereal.com.au, located at 268 Russell Street, Melbourne. An ostensibly Australian company that also has strong ties with Asian markets.
With over 50 staff in 11 offices throughout Australia, China and Asia pacific, Elite has the experience and capacity to develop and manage a wide variety of real estate products and services. xx

Another stall celebrating “multiculturalism” by selling homes to a select audience. Again, Aussies need not apply. This may be your city and your land, but this isn’t for you… This appears to be 4C Realty, located at 401 Docklands Drive, Victoria.
Four C Realty have a strong network in Australia, Malaysia and the People’s Republic of China and have established very good working relationships with many VIPs and businessmen who travel to and conduct business in Melbourne. Four C Realty has developed strong relationships with well known developers, builders and architects within Australia. From our other business relationships, we have gathered useful database of our potential customers who are keen and interested to invest and stay in Australia for real estate business purpose. xxi

We understand that business is business, but we also understand that we are being played for fools. This is the real face of diversity, competing ethnic interests, racial competition and hypocrisy. We are not highlighting these stalls to attack business, but to point out that while we are subject to propaganda with smiling faces of ‘diversity’, all happy together singing “we are one”, the stark reality confronts us in the streets. That in the middle of a festival, supposedly cultural, there were multiple stalls, targeted at Chinese and Chinese only (based on the lack of English on the signs) to sell Australian property to festival participants. These festivals are held up as examples of cohesiveness, of the success of diversity and how Australia’s multicultural experiment, unlike the rest of the world “is different here”. But these images show a different reality. We could understand stalls targeted solely for the Chinese community where were selling things of specific interest to them (such as niche Chinese goods, etc.), but when its something that all Australians are crying out for, homes, it is frankly offensive and disturbing.
In the end, they may quite likely be taken out by a property market crash, as predicted by Harry Dent.
Harry Dent, a widely respected economist and demographer who has predicted a range of economic events including the 2008 global financial crisis, pointed to falling affordability in Melbourne and Sydney where prices are ten times the average income.Nevertheless, Chinese investors continue to display their, ahem, business acumen and continue to buy up here.
“Bubbles ultimately peak when the people buying can’t afford to buy it,” Mr Dent said.
“Melbourne has been, actually, the biggest bubble in recent years and I would expect the biggest burst there. xxii
CHINESE property investors are expected to gallop into the Year of the Horse thanks to the year’s encouraging symbolism of immediate success.A window into the minds of Chinese financial genius…
In anticipation of sales growth, real estate agencies are launching websites exclusively at the Asian property market.
One of Australia’s largest Chinese property portals, ACproperty.com.au, last week launched a new Queensland section to coincides with the start of the Chinese New Year.
Sales and marketing director Esther Yong said it had experienced a 180 per cent increase in search queries for Brisbane and the Gold Coast in the past three months. xxiii
Yong Real Estate Sunnybank sales agent Tom XiaoYi said Chinese buyers were a very confident group in Australia and the new year’s auspicious symbolism would only increase their activity.Perhaps there is hope for us yet. This has Japan circa 1990 written all over it.
“Many buyers will use the year of the horse’s meaning of immediate success as a turning point with better things still to come,” Mr XiaoYi said. xxiv
Only an organisation loyal to OUR interests can hope to see us through the coming turmoil.
xixhttp://melbourneONE.com/ch xxhttp://ereal.com.au/index.php/elite-details
xixhttp://melbourneONE.com/ch xxhttp://ereal.com.au/index.php/elite-details
Monday, February 10, 2014
It's High Time To End Drug Culture
Miranda Devine –, Saturday, February, 08, 2014, (10:57pm)
THREE days after Philip Seymour Hoffman died with a needle in his arm, Hollywood was putting up giant billboards spruiking its drug-glamourising Oscar prospect Wolf Of Wall Street.
The words “because it’s awesome!” appear over an image of Leo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill in one of the many scenes in which they are high as kites and having a whale of a time.
The “awesome” quote comes from DiCaprio’s real life character, Wall Street fraudster Jordan Belfort: “I use Xanax to stay focused, Ambien to sleep, pot to mellow out, cocaine to wake up and morphine … because it’s awesome.”
Young men in one Sydney movie theatre could be heard saying: “This is sick” (excellent), as Belfort and pals snorted cocaine, popped pills, smoked crack and screwed hookers.
This is a problem, in case you haven’t noticed.Illicit drug use is rife as Baby Boomers take their habits into old age and Gen Y launches a new era of excess.
And the problem, for some reason, is now worse in Australia than in any other developed country, according to a 2012 UN report.
In Sydney, cocaine busts have reportedly doubled in a year, with mothers in Double Bay restaurants snorting lines in the toilet before the school run.
A study in the Medical Journal of Australia last September found ambulance call-outs for crystal meth, aka ice, had tripled in two years.
When the Howard government launched its Tough on Drugs strategy in 1997, drug use plummeted for the first time in three decades. Best of all, teenage drug experimentation fell, according to the Australian Secondary School Students Alcohol and Drug Survey.
But then a new laissez faire government arrived, and the figures show drug use rose steadily from 2008.
We now demonise the legal drugs tobacco and alcohol. Yet we turn a blind eye to the illicit drugs which are increasingly glamourised by Hollywood and pop culture.
You can’t smoke a cigarette on the silver screen but the Wolf of Wall Street can snort coke out of a prostitute’s anus. If it’s not DiCaprio giving new meaning to crack cocaine, it’s Miley Cyrus singing to her tween fans about Molly, aka MDMA.
There’s something seriously wrong when the medical establishment is biased towards legalising drugs while railing against alcohol.
Last week, after Hoffman died from heroin, Australia’s chief drug liberaliser, Dr Alex Wodak, was still using the good name of St Vincent’s Hospital, where he is “emeritus consultant” to downplay the dangers. Heroin, he told the ABC, could be used recreationally.
“It’s a risk, no doubt about it,” Dr Wodak said. “But there are also people who go on and use and have very functional, creative, significant lives where they contribute to the community and continue to use heroin from time to time.”
Right on cue, The Guardian published an article claiming it wasn’t heroin but the prohibition on drugs that caused Hoffman’s death.
You could hardly send a more dangerous message at a time when authorities in Australia fear a return of the heroin epidemic of the 1990s.
A more realistic response came from Hoffman’s friend, scriptwriter and recovering addict Aaron Sorkin, who wrote last week that Hoffman “did not die from an overdose of heroin - he died from heroin”.
“We should stop implying that if he’d just taken the proper amount then everything would have been fine,” Sorkin said.
Hoffman once told Sorkin: “If one of us dies of an overdose, probably 10 people who were about to won’t.”
In other words, “our deaths would make news and maybe scare someone clean”.
But even if Hoffman’s death did save 10 lives, it’s nothing to the legions of people switched onto the glamour of drugs this Oscar season by Martin Scorsese’s shameful movie.
I’ve interviewed heroin addicts trying to break free with naltrexone treatment.
The only emotion they expressed was anger that the government had been so slack on drug law enforcement in the 1990s when they became hooked as teenagers, catching the so-called “smack express” train to Cabramatta to openly score. It was so easy, and they were left with a lifelong affliction.
Now we’re doing it again; governments and police looking for the easy way out, happy to believe the lies of drug liberalisers and appease the drug-soaked chattering classes.
Meanwhile, the so-called alcohol-fuelled violence we are currently so worked up about ignores the fact that alcohol consumption is plummetting - we’re drinking less alcohol than we have in almost a decade, and 30 per cent less than the peak in 1974-75.
What has changed is the nature and extent of illicit drug use. Where alcohol is a depressant that makes you sleepy, stimulant drugs keep you alert to drink more and, sometimes, to become violent.
A decade ago John Howard showed you could change drug habits. But we gave up the war almost as soon as we started.
The words “because it’s awesome!” appear over an image of Leo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill in one of the many scenes in which they are high as kites and having a whale of a time.
The “awesome” quote comes from DiCaprio’s real life character, Wall Street fraudster Jordan Belfort: “I use Xanax to stay focused, Ambien to sleep, pot to mellow out, cocaine to wake up and morphine … because it’s awesome.”
Young men in one Sydney movie theatre could be heard saying: “This is sick” (excellent), as Belfort and pals snorted cocaine, popped pills, smoked crack and screwed hookers.
This is a problem, in case you haven’t noticed.Illicit drug use is rife as Baby Boomers take their habits into old age and Gen Y launches a new era of excess.
And the problem, for some reason, is now worse in Australia than in any other developed country, according to a 2012 UN report.
In Sydney, cocaine busts have reportedly doubled in a year, with mothers in Double Bay restaurants snorting lines in the toilet before the school run.
A study in the Medical Journal of Australia last September found ambulance call-outs for crystal meth, aka ice, had tripled in two years.
When the Howard government launched its Tough on Drugs strategy in 1997, drug use plummeted for the first time in three decades. Best of all, teenage drug experimentation fell, according to the Australian Secondary School Students Alcohol and Drug Survey.
But then a new laissez faire government arrived, and the figures show drug use rose steadily from 2008.
We now demonise the legal drugs tobacco and alcohol. Yet we turn a blind eye to the illicit drugs which are increasingly glamourised by Hollywood and pop culture.
You can’t smoke a cigarette on the silver screen but the Wolf of Wall Street can snort coke out of a prostitute’s anus. If it’s not DiCaprio giving new meaning to crack cocaine, it’s Miley Cyrus singing to her tween fans about Molly, aka MDMA.
There’s something seriously wrong when the medical establishment is biased towards legalising drugs while railing against alcohol.
Last week, after Hoffman died from heroin, Australia’s chief drug liberaliser, Dr Alex Wodak, was still using the good name of St Vincent’s Hospital, where he is “emeritus consultant” to downplay the dangers. Heroin, he told the ABC, could be used recreationally.
“It’s a risk, no doubt about it,” Dr Wodak said. “But there are also people who go on and use and have very functional, creative, significant lives where they contribute to the community and continue to use heroin from time to time.”
Right on cue, The Guardian published an article claiming it wasn’t heroin but the prohibition on drugs that caused Hoffman’s death.
You could hardly send a more dangerous message at a time when authorities in Australia fear a return of the heroin epidemic of the 1990s.
A more realistic response came from Hoffman’s friend, scriptwriter and recovering addict Aaron Sorkin, who wrote last week that Hoffman “did not die from an overdose of heroin - he died from heroin”.
“We should stop implying that if he’d just taken the proper amount then everything would have been fine,” Sorkin said.
Hoffman once told Sorkin: “If one of us dies of an overdose, probably 10 people who were about to won’t.”
In other words, “our deaths would make news and maybe scare someone clean”.
But even if Hoffman’s death did save 10 lives, it’s nothing to the legions of people switched onto the glamour of drugs this Oscar season by Martin Scorsese’s shameful movie.
I’ve interviewed heroin addicts trying to break free with naltrexone treatment.
The only emotion they expressed was anger that the government had been so slack on drug law enforcement in the 1990s when they became hooked as teenagers, catching the so-called “smack express” train to Cabramatta to openly score. It was so easy, and they were left with a lifelong affliction.
Now we’re doing it again; governments and police looking for the easy way out, happy to believe the lies of drug liberalisers and appease the drug-soaked chattering classes.
Meanwhile, the so-called alcohol-fuelled violence we are currently so worked up about ignores the fact that alcohol consumption is plummetting - we’re drinking less alcohol than we have in almost a decade, and 30 per cent less than the peak in 1974-75.
What has changed is the nature and extent of illicit drug use. Where alcohol is a depressant that makes you sleepy, stimulant drugs keep you alert to drink more and, sometimes, to become violent.
A decade ago John Howard showed you could change drug habits. But we gave up the war almost as soon as we started.
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Press Release
The rape of a girl in Doonside yesterday is an act of ethnic cleansing and should not be understood
any other way. The large African so-called-refugee population of the district has now produced the
first wave of serious ethnic cleansing violence – racist rape.
Australia First Party, which had been denounced by Blacktown City Council members last year, for
holding meetings at a Council facility in Doonside (dubbed the “House of Hate”) is now vindicated
for its stand opposing refugee migration.
Australia First Party does not support the refugee program of the current Liberal government which
it calls a plan to ‘stop the boats to fly the planes’. Rather, it demands the end to the entire program
and the initiation of funded schemes to return these persons to their countries of origin.
Because they are the main targets, Australian and other white migrant women should consider
arming themselves regardless of the law. Dr. Jim Saleam, National President of the Australia first
Party, said today:
“It may be a criminal offence for worried Australian and other white migrant women to carry
chemical sprays, but they must be excused from considering it. Capsicum and chilli sprays are
easily manufactured and just as easily employed. The law should be amended to formally allow
such sprays and further amended to permit a woman to employ deadly force if she can against this
time of rape. While the average police officer would have sympathy for the women, it is very clear
that the politicised politically-correct hierarchy of the Force has a different view and by their
support for the State’s politics of immigration and multiculturalism - condones the crime.”
Australia First Party has called on its supporters to monitor persons of interest
in the area, start quiet patrols and make their information available.
Dr. Saleam concluded:
“The poisonous politics of the Blacktown City Council and the major parties groups in the area has
glossed over African crime and the growing danger of community dysfunction for years. The Diaz
Filipino clique and the Isabelle White group have had no interest in highlighting it and the Mayor of
Blacktown seems more interested in selling off public property to the Chinese imperialists than
taking note of reality. It is just as well that our party takes a different view.”
Further enquiry:
The rape of a girl in Doonside yesterday is an act of ethnic cleansing and should not be understood
any other way. The large African so-called-refugee population of the district has now produced the
first wave of serious ethnic cleansing violence – racist rape.
Australia First Party, which had been denounced by Blacktown City Council members last year, for
holding meetings at a Council facility in Doonside (dubbed the “House of Hate”) is now vindicated
for its stand opposing refugee migration.
Australia First Party does not support the refugee program of the current Liberal government which
it calls a plan to ‘stop the boats to fly the planes’. Rather, it demands the end to the entire program
and the initiation of funded schemes to return these persons to their countries of origin.
Because they are the main targets, Australian and other white migrant women should consider
arming themselves regardless of the law. Dr. Jim Saleam, National President of the Australia first
Party, said today:
“It may be a criminal offence for worried Australian and other white migrant women to carry
chemical sprays, but they must be excused from considering it. Capsicum and chilli sprays are
easily manufactured and just as easily employed. The law should be amended to formally allow
such sprays and further amended to permit a woman to employ deadly force if she can against this
time of rape. While the average police officer would have sympathy for the women, it is very clear
that the politicised politically-correct hierarchy of the Force has a different view and by their
support for the State’s politics of immigration and multiculturalism - condones the crime.”
Australia First Party has called on its supporters to monitor persons of interest
in the area, start quiet patrols and make their information available.
Dr. Saleam concluded:
“The poisonous politics of the Blacktown City Council and the major parties groups in the area has
glossed over African crime and the growing danger of community dysfunction for years. The Diaz
Filipino clique and the Isabelle White group have had no interest in highlighting it and the Mayor of
Blacktown seems more interested in selling off public property to the Chinese imperialists than
taking note of reality. It is just as well that our party takes a different view.”
Further enquiry:
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Indoctrinated Dependency
Hello People !!!! Vinco here !!!!
Mr "Riverina First" McCormack recently attacked ALLEGED "Dole Bludgers" who he implies have not only "targeted" Wagga/Riverina, but are also cause of troublesome mischief directed at the Riverina community.
Surely we are not to believe that a National convention of the Official Dole Bludgers Association decided to "home in" on little ole Wagga Wagga !!???
Of course, most of you would have cynically seen through McCormack's infantile attempt to support his Government's recent announcements that they were slashing Government Welfare Programmes.
Some of these Programmes were politically "expedient" or served political objectives, and some of them arose due to the effects of Tax and Economic Policies "along the way".
Whilst it can never be said that all of them had majority support among Voters, with the effluxion of time, and with ongoing economic hardship caused by Government "Policies", the "beneficiaries" manifestly became DEPENDANT upon these Programmes - AS INTENDED !!!
Once dependant, SUDDEN removal of the Welfare more certainly assures the destruction of such dependant groups - that's the Lib-Lab Agenda.
Notwithstanding the facts that Lib-Lab Governments, ever since 1972, have themselves introduced AND MAINTAINED all of these Welfare Programmes under supposed "Pressure" from favoured Minority groups, one should consider the so-called "Dole Bludgers" separately.
The "Dole Bludgers" DID NOT:-
1). Shut down and EXPORT or SELL OFF to Foreigners, our many earlier Manufacturing and other Business enterprises, all of which continues to leave a wake of chaos and DIS-EMPLOYMENT !!!
2). Create the "ENTITLEMENT" 'ethic' !!!
3). Fabricate the Pretext of "457 Visa's", and then cynically EXPLOIT that Pretext !!!
4). Bring MILLIONS OF ALIENS into Australia - which naturally made the DIS-EMPLOYMENT situation worse, and it is noted that an ever increasing swathe of these Aliens is constantly topping up the "Dole Bludger" Queue.
5). Create the Economic Policies which cause the shortage of jobs in Australia.
6). Engineer the despatch "Off-shore" of thousands of jobs in the Communications and other industries.
7). Engineer a "Conspiracy" among large and small Asian and Middle-Eastern businesses in Australia, to ADOPT THEIR ANTI-WHITE-AUSTRALIAN - "RACIST" - EMPLOYMENT Policies.
8). Orchestrate the DELIBERATE "DUMBED-DOWN EDUCATION CURRICULUM" which "SUCCESSFULLY" DISQUALIFIES THEM (so-called 'Dole Bludgers') from many Job Opportunities and Higher Education. Nor did those who rose above the Dumbing-Down AGENDA, at Primary level, ORCHESTRATE THE FAVOURED PLACEMENT OF FOREIGNERS in our Universities.
Yes, Mr "RIVERINA FIRST" McCormack !!!
We can see how "properly" you can adopt YOUR "SELF-RIGHTEOUS posture against these "BLAME-WORTHY(?,) VICTIMS" of YOUR long-ongoing DESTRUCTIVE LIB-LAB "Policies".
YOU are no different from your FAT-CAT "peers" of the past, who :-
1). For hundreds of years, abducted poor folk in Scotland and England and put them into BRUTAL WHITE SLAVERY in the "NEW WORLD" Colonies;
2). Also engaged heavily in BLACK SLAVERY;
3). Displaced 160,000 Small Farmers via the English Inclosures - ALL TO THE BENEFIT OF YOUR FAT-CAT CLASS;
4). Presided over the INFAMOUS PERSECUTION AND FAMINE of the IRISH in Ireland;
7). CREATED THE BOER WAR FOR THE GREED OF YOUR FAT-CAT CLASS which lusted after the Gold and Diamonds in Southern Africa. It did not matter to YOUR CLASS, that British soldiers risked their lives FOR the FAT-CAT Class, and it did not matter to those FAT-CATS that THEY KILLED OVER 24,000 Boer Men, Women and Children IN FOUL BRITISH CONCENTRATION CAMP CONDITIONS.
Across the pages of subsequent History to the present time, the essence of the story is the same AND WORSE, for NOW, YOU TREACHEROUS SCABS ARE DISPOSSESSING US OF OUR ENTIRE COUNTRY AND PASSING IT TO FOREIGNERS - AND, YOU LOT PRETEND THAT THIS "IS GOOD FOR AUSTRALIA" !!!!
And the best that you can come up with is that YOU are GOING TO GET TOUGH ON THE UN-EMPLOYED and DIS-EMPLOYED .......... WHO YOU LOT CREATED IN THE FIRST PLACE !!!
But I suppose, you being such a good Catholic, you can always pop over to church, pay the priest a few dollars, and thereby BUY a "clean and clear Conscience".
In between your "Confessions", no doubt your Catholic mate, Abbot, will be there too, to buy a clear conscience.
But then, perhaps Jesuits, Fabians and Rhodes Scholars are all above that, hmmmm ??!!
Of course, the day will come when you can't AVOID .........or ......"PAY OFF" the "REAL" BOSS !!! And your earth-bound Buddy, LUCIFER, won't help you then !!!
Think about it.................. PAL !!!
Many thanks to our Supporters for their continuing encouragement.
Much Kindness to the REAL AUSSIES still out there.
Vinco Stelmonovic.
Mr "Riverina First" McCormack recently attacked ALLEGED "Dole Bludgers" who he implies have not only "targeted" Wagga/Riverina, but are also cause of troublesome mischief directed at the Riverina community.
Surely we are not to believe that a National convention of the Official Dole Bludgers Association decided to "home in" on little ole Wagga Wagga !!???
Of course, most of you would have cynically seen through McCormack's infantile attempt to support his Government's recent announcements that they were slashing Government Welfare Programmes.
Some of these Programmes were politically "expedient" or served political objectives, and some of them arose due to the effects of Tax and Economic Policies "along the way".
Whilst it can never be said that all of them had majority support among Voters, with the effluxion of time, and with ongoing economic hardship caused by Government "Policies", the "beneficiaries" manifestly became DEPENDANT upon these Programmes - AS INTENDED !!!
Once dependant, SUDDEN removal of the Welfare more certainly assures the destruction of such dependant groups - that's the Lib-Lab Agenda.
Notwithstanding the facts that Lib-Lab Governments, ever since 1972, have themselves introduced AND MAINTAINED all of these Welfare Programmes under supposed "Pressure" from favoured Minority groups, one should consider the so-called "Dole Bludgers" separately.
The "Dole Bludgers" DID NOT:-
1). Shut down and EXPORT or SELL OFF to Foreigners, our many earlier Manufacturing and other Business enterprises, all of which continues to leave a wake of chaos and DIS-EMPLOYMENT !!!
2). Create the "ENTITLEMENT" 'ethic' !!!
3). Fabricate the Pretext of "457 Visa's", and then cynically EXPLOIT that Pretext !!!
4). Bring MILLIONS OF ALIENS into Australia - which naturally made the DIS-EMPLOYMENT situation worse, and it is noted that an ever increasing swathe of these Aliens is constantly topping up the "Dole Bludger" Queue.
5). Create the Economic Policies which cause the shortage of jobs in Australia.
6). Engineer the despatch "Off-shore" of thousands of jobs in the Communications and other industries.
7). Engineer a "Conspiracy" among large and small Asian and Middle-Eastern businesses in Australia, to ADOPT THEIR ANTI-WHITE-AUSTRALIAN - "RACIST" - EMPLOYMENT Policies.
8). Orchestrate the DELIBERATE "DUMBED-DOWN EDUCATION CURRICULUM" which "SUCCESSFULLY" DISQUALIFIES THEM (so-called 'Dole Bludgers') from many Job Opportunities and Higher Education. Nor did those who rose above the Dumbing-Down AGENDA, at Primary level, ORCHESTRATE THE FAVOURED PLACEMENT OF FOREIGNERS in our Universities.
Yes, Mr "RIVERINA FIRST" McCormack !!!
We can see how "properly" you can adopt YOUR "SELF-RIGHTEOUS posture against these "BLAME-WORTHY(?,) VICTIMS" of YOUR long-ongoing DESTRUCTIVE LIB-LAB "Policies".
YOU are no different from your FAT-CAT "peers" of the past, who :-
1). For hundreds of years, abducted poor folk in Scotland and England and put them into BRUTAL WHITE SLAVERY in the "NEW WORLD" Colonies;
2). Also engaged heavily in BLACK SLAVERY;
3). Displaced 160,000 Small Farmers via the English Inclosures - ALL TO THE BENEFIT OF YOUR FAT-CAT CLASS;
4). Presided over the INFAMOUS PERSECUTION AND FAMINE of the IRISH in Ireland;
7). CREATED THE BOER WAR FOR THE GREED OF YOUR FAT-CAT CLASS which lusted after the Gold and Diamonds in Southern Africa. It did not matter to YOUR CLASS, that British soldiers risked their lives FOR the FAT-CAT Class, and it did not matter to those FAT-CATS that THEY KILLED OVER 24,000 Boer Men, Women and Children IN FOUL BRITISH CONCENTRATION CAMP CONDITIONS.
Across the pages of subsequent History to the present time, the essence of the story is the same AND WORSE, for NOW, YOU TREACHEROUS SCABS ARE DISPOSSESSING US OF OUR ENTIRE COUNTRY AND PASSING IT TO FOREIGNERS - AND, YOU LOT PRETEND THAT THIS "IS GOOD FOR AUSTRALIA" !!!!
And the best that you can come up with is that YOU are GOING TO GET TOUGH ON THE UN-EMPLOYED and DIS-EMPLOYED .......... WHO YOU LOT CREATED IN THE FIRST PLACE !!!
But I suppose, you being such a good Catholic, you can always pop over to church, pay the priest a few dollars, and thereby BUY a "clean and clear Conscience".
In between your "Confessions", no doubt your Catholic mate, Abbot, will be there too, to buy a clear conscience.
But then, perhaps Jesuits, Fabians and Rhodes Scholars are all above that, hmmmm ??!!
Of course, the day will come when you can't AVOID .........or ......"PAY OFF" the "REAL" BOSS !!! And your earth-bound Buddy, LUCIFER, won't help you then !!!
Think about it.................. PAL !!!
Many thanks to our Supporters for their continuing encouragement.
Much Kindness to the REAL AUSSIES still out there.
Vinco Stelmonovic.
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